Junior Courseload

Hey everyone!
I wanted to see what people think about this courseload, whether or not it is competetive enough ETC.
I am not going to do the full IB diploma because I want to study differential equations and multivariable calculus my senior year and don’t want to have to take a semester of IB math or TOK.

IB English
IB History SL
IB Chemistry HL
AP Calculus BC
Honors French Level 3
STEMinar - 2 year focussed course on engineering and design (3D printing, computer programming)
Could possibly switch this for organic chemistry, honors econ, or honors stats

Don’t switch unless you really have to.
What’s the plan for senior year?


IB English HL
IB French SL
IB Econ SL or IB History HL
Multivariable Calculus
STEMinar 2

Looks great. Well balanced, well suited for your interests and strengths without neglecting any field.
Keep up the good work, make sure to sleep eight hours a night, don’t neglect your EC’s and in a year you’ll have your pick of colleges.

Does not doing the full IB-diploma but doing a combo of IB-AP classes count as the most rigorous courseload your high school offers? I’m pretty sure they don’t really matter but I’d ask my college counselor what the answer is, just to make sure.

At my school, anyway, higher level IB classes are weighted equally with APs as accelerated courses. In the end though, I guess it all depends on your school. Personally, I ended up going for the IB diploma because I really just don’t think I could handle 4 HLs and additional APs.

Yeah the reason I am not doing full IB is because I want to take a full year of differential calculus (technically not AP but harder than AP BC calc) and because I’d rather focus on engineering and science than on things like TOK