Junior finally gave us his decision last night

<p>He’s going to Alabama. </p>

<p>He picks his room on Thursday night. Still waiting on his buddy who is waffling between Bama and Tulane. Anybody looking for roommate(s)?</p>

<p>YEAH!!! SLIPPY!!! </p>

<p>How much time does he have to change his mind again? LOL- Just kidding. Aren’t you glad that you did not request the housing deposit returned?</p>

<p>Congratulations! We are all very happy to welcome you to the UA family, Slippy. Roll Tide. There was someone on a thread yesterday looking for a roommate I think. Have him check out the FB page.</p>

<p>vlines… I almost didn’t post this. He has 2 weeks to change his mind, and if past experience is any indication, we could still be on a roller coaster until May 1. But he said it like he meant it. I just want it to be over. Lots of drama in the slippy house.</p>

<p>Now you’ll have to post on that Parents forum thread of where their kids are going.</p>

<p>Roll tide!</p>

<p>slippy, </p>

<p>One of the very first posts I read when discovering CC was ‘Can a nerd thrive at Bama?’
It was the question I would have asked had I known to ask it - I was totally hooked, extremely grateful to the one who posed it, and now so delighted that it looks like your boy (and mine) will be freshmen (freshman? frosh? froshies? freshmeisters? - I can’t remember the protocol, sorry mom) together this fall.</p>


<p>Congrats on a great choice!</p>



<p>And we’re keeping him! RTR, slippy!</p>

<p>Yeah Slippy!!! I was a little sad when we lost your son to another school. But you/your S are back.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>At least my school has not broken one of its BCS trophies.</p>