junior in highschool, chances of getting in??

<p>I'm currently a junior in high school and will be touring Wisconsin this month. I spoke to my school guidance counselor and she said that Wisconsin would be good match for me based on my grades and what I'm looking for in a college overall. But I've gotten a lot of opinions and am afraid that Wisconsin may be difficult for me to get into based on the classes I am taking..</p>

<p>My average is usually around a 93-94, and I'm not sure what it is weighted.</p>

<p>I have yet to take the SAT or ACT. I'm looking to get anywhere between an 1890-2000 on the SAT and I do not know much about the ACT yet so I'm not sure what my goal for that would be just yet.</p>

<p>What worries me the most is that I'm currently only in one AP Class (AP English Language) and I feel that Wisconsin won't accept me because I'm taking all regular classes besides that one. Next year I'm considering adding either AP Bio or AP Psyche to my schedule, while still taking Physics. In all of my classes I generally maintain an average anywhere between 90-97. My electives from 9-12 include: Health, Creative Non-Fiction Writing, Photo 1&2, Photo 3&4, Mythology, History from 1945- Present, and next year I am taking Leadership and will most likely add onto my schedule. I have been on the Tennis team and Badminton team all 3 years so far and plan on staying on them for senior year as well. I have been in my schools Key Club, GSA club, as well as the SADD club. I am also in Spanish Honor's Society.</p>

<p>If anyone has any suggestions or comments about my chances, or what I can do to better my chances of getting in please, please, please let me know!!
Thanks!!! (:</p>

<p>A girl from my school got in with a 3.7 gpa and 26 ACT. You’re in good shape, just keep doin work</p>

<p>Are you in or out of state?</p>

<p>Do great on your act/SAT, take the APs, and apply early! I have seen the trend in our school that they let in 26 ACT in Septmber after that they were postponed.</p>

<p>OOS will need higher than 26 ACT score. As midwest kids are generally more likely to do ACT, and you mentioned you are not really sure about your likely ACT, I am going to guess you are likely OOS for UW. A higher SAT score (2000) and an A- average will make you a good match for UW, but they get lots of OOS applicants so make sure, come application time, your essays are focused on why UW, not just generic essays. Don’t give them a reason to put you in the “no” pile. </p>

<p>From a parent of OOS UW student.</p>

<p>Recommend you sign up for the Wisconsin tour and listen carefully during the information session. You will know what to do after that.</p>

<p>UW is a very competitive school, if your not taking the most challenging classes at your HS you will have problems (LOW GPA) at UW. Good Luck</p>

<p>Your SAT goals equate to 28-30 on the ACT and this, combined with your grades and a reasonable essay, would give you a pretty good shot at admission (obviously higher is better). I’d suggest AP Bio over AP Psych (both would be better still) as the former gets more respect and is more likely to yield course credit where ever you go. Physics is a good choice, too.</p>

<p>You don’t say where or why you are “touring”, but there are other UW-System schools that are easier admission targets and might be worth a stop if you are looking for a “sure-bet” school.</p>