Junior looking for help in putting together a college list

yes! I’ve thought about it since one of my old speech captains goes there.

i think i want to put quite a bit of emphasis on diversity. i really don’t want to go to a place with TOO white of a population. no offense to any white person reading this btw. i live in a very very diverse community and i would rather not have too much of a shock after hs.

Honestly I think shooting for the UCs would probably be your best bet in terms of what you’re looking for. In terms of stats, you fit well into the “mid-tier” UCs such as SB, SD, Davis, and Irvine. Apply to your local CSUs as safety, apply for a few reaches, and you should be ok. Maybe look into a school with guaranteed admission for a GPA above a certain threshold. The UCs are great because they are very culturally diverse, provide education considered on par with Ivy League universities as “public ivies” and are not horrendously costly for in state. However, admission is very competitive for in state applicants more than OOS, hence the need for safeties.

those are my thoughts as well… despite me trying to look for OOS universities i always come back to thinking about UCs. of course I would prefer UCLA or Berkeley but you’re right, the mid-tier UCs are my best bet. Thank you for all of your help, you’ve been amazing.

Of course! UCLA and UC Berkeley are always the goals but everyone needs fail safes. On a parting note, Northeastern is a fantastic school for anything humanities given its location in Boston and experiential school status. In addition to being in an excellent location, NU is also a t50 school by most rankings (specifically #49 on US News). As a private school, they offer very generous financial aid packages so there’s some food for thought. PM me if you have any questions:)

I think you need more safeties. Any school with acceptance rates like these (regardless of stats) cannot really be considered safeties. For example, my stats match the 50th percentile Brown applicant. Does that mean I’m going to get in? No. I know people matching the 75th percentile If Northeastern accepted students with plenty of extra curricular activities and they were deferred and eventually got in. The point is, nothing is truly a safety. You want plenty of solid back up options with a good mix of “match” schools and only a couple of reach. If u lean too heavy towards reach you can risk not getting accepted into school. Your resume looks impressive, but if this year has taught me anything it’s that college acceptances can seem completely random. It all depends on who you have reading your application and what they are looking for. I would suggest meeting with your GC and going over a list of safeties for you and doing some research on schools in your area (It seems that you’d prefer to stay nearby from your list but I may be wrong) that are easier to get into. Prestige isn’t everything, especially if you plan to continue in graduate school. Good luck in your search!

Willamette and Lewis&Clark would both be academic safeties, run the noc to see if they’d be okay financially.
Whitman would be a good match.