Junior- need help finalizing ChemE schools?

I’m about to enter my senior year and I’m still uncertain which schools I should apply to. I’m interested in studying Chemical Engineering. I also need help deciding on the safety and reaches. Here are my stats:

White female, 2017 grad
GPA: UW- 3.7, W- 4.15
ACT: 33

Honors and AP classes:
H Geometry, H Biology, H Geography, H English 9, H Algebra 2, H English 10, H Chemistry, H Psychology, H Physics, H Pre-calc, AP Chemistry, APUSH, AP English 11

Classes senior year:
AP English 12, AP Environmental science, AP Calculus AB, AP Biology, AP Environmental Science

4 years Varsity Swimming (potential team captain)
4 years Varsity Diving- State ranked
2 years Varsity Track and Field
2 years Habitat for Humanity (1 year leadership, 1 year VP)
1 year Interact Club
2 years French Club
2 years International Club
2 years Red Cross Club
Fluent in Russian
12 years in Piano (some local competitions)
3 years NHS
Part time job (fast food server)

I also volunteer at the food bank, community kitchen, and parks and rec regularly.

Here are the schools I’m considering:
Texas A&M
Pennsylvania State University
University of Washington Seattle
University of Wisconsin Madison
Northeastern University
University of Pittsburgh
Northwestern University/Vanderbilt University (should I even try applying?)
Carnegie Mellon University
Purdue University
Colorado School of Mines

Anything is appreciated!

Home state? Financial concerns? PSU especially is pretty expensive out of state.

Indiana is my home state. I would say my budget is around 30,000-40,000

PSU will cost more than that (~$47k); not much aid available even for in-state students, a lot of times. I’d do some research on the others on your list to see if any of them also need to be cut for budget reasons.

Have you checked out Alabama? Automatic merit scholarships, would be a good safety if you like the school.

Thanks! I’ll definitely look into their schools
