I’m about to enter my senior year and I’m still uncertain which schools I should apply to. I’m interested in studying Chemical Engineering. I also need help deciding on the safety and reaches. Here are my stats:
White female, 2017 grad
GPA: UW- 3.7, W- 4.15
ACT: 33
Honors and AP classes:
H Geometry, H Biology, H Geography, H English 9, H Algebra 2, H English 10, H Chemistry, H Psychology, H Physics, H Pre-calc, AP Chemistry, APUSH, AP English 11
Classes senior year:
AP English 12, AP Environmental science, AP Calculus AB, AP Biology, AP Environmental Science
4 years Varsity Swimming (potential team captain)
4 years Varsity Diving- State ranked
2 years Varsity Track and Field
2 years Habitat for Humanity (1 year leadership, 1 year VP)
1 year Interact Club
2 years French Club
2 years International Club
2 years Red Cross Club
Fluent in Russian
12 years in Piano (some local competitions)
3 years NHS
Part time job (fast food server)
I also volunteer at the food bank, community kitchen, and parks and rec regularly.
Here are the schools I’m considering:
Texas A&M
Pennsylvania State University
University of Washington Seattle
University of Wisconsin Madison
Northeastern University
University of Pittsburgh
Northwestern University/Vanderbilt University (should I even try applying?)
Carnegie Mellon University
Purdue University
Colorado School of Mines
Anything is appreciated!