Junior Preview Days beyond March 2014?

<p>Does anyone know if St. Olaf conducts an official "Junior Preview Day" in June? St. Olaf's website lists such days in Feb & March, but not beyond. I also tried a web search to see if such an event has been conducted in June in years past, but don't see any indication of it. I'd like DS to attend an official, organized preview day - but we just can't make it up to St. Olaf until June.</p>


<p>Most Minnesota private colleges participate in a visit event called Minnesota Private College week, and it’s typically the 3rd week in June. At some point they’ll set up the schedule on the private college week website, and you can register for a visit. They’re fairly short half-day visits - essentially some short informational sessions, and then a tour - but useful. I’m sure there will be other visit events throughout the summer as well. </p>

<p>Here’s the link for the June St. Olaf visit:</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.mnprivatecolleges.org/events-news/upcoming-events/minnesota-private-college-week”>http://www.mnprivatecolleges.org/events-news/upcoming-events/minnesota-private-college-week&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;