Junior Transfer or Senior Transfer?

If you are only coming from a California community college and you have spent 3 years there and accumulated over 100 units, will you be considered a senior transfer or still a junior transfer? If it makes any difference I am planning to apply to Berkeley.

High-unit transfer unit counts:
• Junior standing: 80-89 UC-transferable semester units
• Senior standing: 90 or more UC-transferable semester units

I will refer you to the UC application link. See page 34 for High unit transfers by campus.
UCB admits some high unit Junior and Senior transfers.


I thought about this as well. Don’t ask why, but an option of mine was to take extension courses out of pocket like I were a transfer student and apply as a senior to UCSD… But it seems thatd only be a possibility with 5 including Berkeley.

@Gumbymom I saw that but my understanding was that I will remain a junior transfer no matter how many units I have because community colleges only have lower division coursework? Is this correct?

You are correct. I posted this as informational but since they are a lower division then only 70 semester/105 quarter units would transfer.

From UC website:
Limitations on Transfer Credits

Students will be granted up to 70 sem/105 qtr units of credit for lower division coursework completed at any institution or any combination of institutions. For units beyond the maximum, subject credit for appropriate coursework taken in excess of this unit limitation will be granted and may be used to satisfy requirements.