<p>Who has been accepted for fall 2009, whats your major?
I’m a Mechanical Engineer major from Santa Rosa JC and i recently moved down to SLO and am taking classes at Cuesta College. I’ve been hearing of a bunch of people being accepted in engineering, but no Mechanicals yet. Is there anyone that knows different?</p>
<p>there’s a few who got accepted for mechanical, my friend in particular was one of them, along with another friend of mine who got accepted for civil. If you search some of the posts i believe 2 or 3 people got accepted for mechanical but if there transfers that i dont know. I was thinking about calling them today just to see what the whole selection process goes into detail and ask them about civil engineering since i know a few transfers already got accepted for civil. I’m sure were both fine though.</p>
<p>Waitlisted for ME. Robert what are your stats?</p>
<p>Alright I just called the admissions office just to clarify some things. First off, she said that there was no way to tell how many seats are available per major for transfer students after all the notifications are sent out. Here’s a big thing right now, she did however say that we should hear something no matter what within the next 7-10 days acceptance/rejection. Don’t know if this pertains for freshman’s but transfers should hear soon. She re-assured me however that housing wont be a problem.</p>
<p>2.7 GPA
I’ve got all the reccomended classes, not just the min. for acceptance. And most my IGETC general ed will be done at the end of the semester here at Cuesta.</p>
<p>Just wish there was some way for colleges to see grades from my last semester. bumps my GPA to just under 2.9. Was a pretty hardcore slacker my first year, and been having to work my but off cuz of it. Don’t have anything below a C tho.</p>
<p>anyone… im freakin out!!</p>
<p>From last years Data:
Number of transfer applications received: 4,179
Number of transfer applicants offered admission: 1,623 (39%)</p>
<p>Transfer students’ average GPA: 3.38 </p>
<p>Depending on your major, with less than 3.0, I’d say it would be difficult for you to gain admittance.</p>
<p>I have a 3.0 exact and applying for the civil engineering program. Don’t know if you know anything about the engineering department, but if so do you happen to know which ones are extremely difficult to get into, most competitive or any info i need to know. Obviously I know all engineering programs are all difficult and competitive, but to me it seems aerospace, EE, and mechanical would be the top 3 competitive ones to get into and the ones with the highest transfer GPA’s I could be wrong though.</p>
<p>Yeah any of the engineering programs are difficult to get into but I’d say give it a go with the 3.0 . You haven’t applied yet right? So you probably still have time to raise the GPA a little more.</p>
<p>I applied in November just like everyone else heh, and now it’s up to a 3.1. I just wish they would see your updated grades before making a decision. And this semester I plan on even doing better. I mean i’ve done all the required classes plus more that they want transfer students to take, work over 25-30 hours a week, participate in about 1-5 hours in extra curriculors, which is an estimate, its hard since each week it changes ya know? I just hope I have a chance. I just saw someone who was a freshman student got into aerospace with a 3.02 unweighted GPA.</p>
<p>Robert, what kind of transfer agreements does Cuesta have with SLO? I heard those cc’s up there get good priority…</p>
<p>From what I hear, Cuesta counselors know exactly what SLO is looking for. I was disappointed when I went on to the Arch Dept on the SLO site, because there were some recommended classes to take that not mentioned on sites like assist.org. I wish I knew, because I would have taken a different course of action to make sure I got those specific classes. Something as simple as that would prolly be common knowledge to the Cuesta students, it’s indicative by the amount of damn students from there that get accepted to SLO.</p>
<p>I know, I wouldn’t have taken the right classes if I didn’t check out the slo website. On assist, it doesn’t tell me to take many of the engineering (Required!) pre-req’s to get in.</p>
<p>Hey infinity, did you happen to get a chance to ask your friend about the civil program, any other news? I called on friday but the lady i spoke with couldn’t tell me how many seats were available. Not trying to bug, just thought maybe you heard anything else.</p>
<p>Same thing here, there was a long pause when I asked about availability. I think there swamped with the amount of people calling in with questions about admissions. John, I would say that you should look at the stats last year on how many were admitted for civil engineering. If you google admissions you should be able to find a brochure that SLO released, “Cal Poly Profile” (or something like that), that breaks down the transfer admissions by major. I’ll try and find it later and send you the link. I think those numbers are a good estimate of how many will be admitted this year. Engr is 4 times bigger than Architecture, engineers still have a good shot.</p>
<p>since you and I have been posting back and forth lately infinity I guess I want your input. As you already know i told you i’ve taken all the pre reqs but I want to break it down for you and see what you think my shots are. So here we go with classes that were reguired, I’m gunna list what they list for transfer supplemental and tell you how many units i took for each class.</p>
<p>English Composition 3 units required - took 4 units
Speech 3 units required - took 3 units
Physics 9 required, 12 desired - after this semester will have 15 units done
Chemistry 4 required, 5 desired - took 11 units
Analytical Calc/Differentials - 12 required, 15 desired - took 18 units
Statics 3 required - took 4 units
Graphics 3 required - took 3 units
Materials/surverying 3 required, 6 desired - took only 3 units</p>
<p>I also took 1 or 2 classes pertaining to general education, and here it is for my GPA it’s a 3.0 I know its not as high as the average last year for engineering which i believe was a 3.34 but I figured with me taking the well above average of units taken that it may pull me in. I also work 25-30 hours a week and participate in extra curricular’s. So what do you think infinity lol, hopefully its not too much, but if we both get in which i;m pretty sure you will we should meet up while were on campus, this is defiantly a good way to meet and communicate. Thanks for the info though. And hopefully you’ll give me good feedback haha, but all I want is the truth.</p>
<p>I really don’t think you have much to worry about. I don’t want to get your hopes up or anything, but you have more than enough. And for a major like Civil Engineering, you are not expected to have an astronomical GPA. Anything at or above a 3.0 is saying a lot. SLO has a lot of apps to go through. You have everything, and you seem to be in a similar situation as me (I have the desired amounts of units instead of the just the required as well). Did you put down an alternative major on your application. You should have put down Physics (which I believe is slightly easier to get into), and then transfer into CE when your there. I put down CE as my alternate, but I don’t have anything close to the classes you’ve taken (I went for my AS in Arch). I don’t know how SLO is, but I know SDSU and Pomona like when transfer students are further along in the major. So if you’ve already taken diff equ., linear algebra, and all the calcs (that’s 19 units in my school) that’s something less that you need to take when you get there. You got the golden four down right? If so, then you’re still in there.</p>
<p>Yeah i put my alternative major as architectural engineering which I’m not regretting because that major is really hard to get into from what I heard. Yeah, i’m finishing my literature/critical thinking done this semester so yeah ill have the golden four done, im taking linear this semester so i’ll be done with that, its crazy with calc, d.e. and lienar at my school thats 21 units. I just hope I get in haha. But my GPA is defiently around a 3.0. I have another question for you, at my school we have physics lab not together with our physics class so we have 4 units plus 1 unit for the lab. And you know how on the application you’re only allowed 4 spots for each class sess. Well i was only able to put room for 2 physics classes 4 units each and then 2 lab classes 1 unit each. I put the last physics class plus its lab in the major related courses. Do you think that would be fine? It’s like now your trying to think did i get everything down correctly haha. </p>
<p>All i can do is just wait and see. have you heard anything different towards your major yet? end of march seems way too long for transfers but I know you guys have to do a lot of extra things.</p>
<p>When I did my application, I just combined the physics and their labs and for the title I put down something like “Principles of Physics/Lab”. If they add up to the required number of units needed in Physics, then there shouldn’t be a problem. When they eventually ask for transcripts, they’ll see all of your classes and then articulate it with respect to their course work.</p>
<p>Our school sent off 3 Architects to SLO two years back, none last year. I have both an Architecture and Engineering background, so I hope the school sees that, because SLO is more known for their incorporation of Physics-based Structures classes than heavy art-influenced design. Arch. Engr is neglected for some reason, even though that major is pretty badass.</p>
<p>Yeah, when i was in middle school I always saw my mom draw floorplans for her “dreamhouse” and just loved how it looked, and started getting into that. Originally, I wanted to be an architect because I love to draw. However, the CC I attend too doesn’t have a structured outline to transfer as an architect major so I decided to chose the next thing closest which was engineering, and then fell in love with all the concepts in physics. Don’t know if I would want to be a physics major since some of those classes are pretty hefty. I mean im taking optics/modern physics and were in the optics portion, and I love that class so much better than the rest of the physics i’ve taken haha. Hopefully I’ll hear something soon though, i’m tired of waiting haha. Why do you think Arch. Engr is neglected?</p>