Junior Year Courseload

Hey guys! So I’m pretty nervous about my courseload next year as a junior in the full IB Diploma Program. The classes I’m scheduled to take are:

IB English
IB History
IB Spanish
IB Economics
IB Theory of Knowledge
AP BC Calculus
AP Physics C

Could I juggle this courseload along with other extracurriculars/down time? Is this courseload too challenging and should I drop a class? I’m particularly nervous about AP Physics because it’s known to be super hard, and I’ll only have knowledge from one semester of honors physics. Any advice/feedback would be helpful!

I have a similar schedule as well, and I’m pretty scared! It doesn’t help that the IB diploma hasn’t had stellar results for graduating seniors this year either.

It looks like a normal load for an IB student, only you know if you can handle it. IB Math and Science instead of AP might lighten the load if you think it is too much.

AP physics C is hardcore physics for future engineers. See if AP physics 1 or 2 is offered. One semester of physics won’t cut it (in fact, one year of AP physics 1 or 2 is recommended to do well in physics C).
Which of your IB’s are sl and Which are hl?
Have you already taken calculus AB or is that an option? (no difference for colleges if that’s what you’re worried about?)