Junior year: drop out of APES and take regular physics?

I’m currently a junior and I’m planning to only have three years of high school and study abroad senior year. I’m currently taking 6 APs, (I know, not a good idea) and I feel very overwhelmed. Is it better to drop out of APES and just take regular physics? I’m not going into STEM, and I really dislike all of the math in APES. Also I know I won’t be able to handle the pressure on Honors Physics.

Please help!

Foreign countries often times make their students study physics starting like 5th grade, so yeah. And also, APES isn’t that big of a class and if you drop it won’t make that much of a deal. If you have like AP chem or Bio then u should be fine.

Yes…6 APs is too much.
You should definitely take Physics over APES. Maybe take APEs senior year.