Hi! I was just hoping some of you peoples out there could give me some feedback on my junior year schedule?
So far I have…
English 3 Honors (I’m not sure if I should take AP Language and Composition)
French 4 Honors
Pre-Calc Honors
AP Biology
AP World History
AP Computer Science
And Health and Phys Ed (unfortunately)
***Please excuse my awkwardness this is my first post lol
What do you want to hear? Congratulations, a rigourous schedule. You must be very intelligent.
It looks fine to me. What do you plan on majoring in?
See that’s the thing, I want to major in pre-med so I’m not sure if taking AP World History is necessary since I’ve been hearing that it’s so hard.
“Hard” is relative. It depends on your interests and strengths.
Colleges want to see you challenge yourself, so even if you are not particularly excited about history/english, I think it’s wise to take at least one of them at the highest level available to you. I would say the AP history courses (World, US) require a lot more reading/note-taking than AP Lang, which was heavier on writing, so if one of those appeals to you more it might be the logical choice.
On the flip side, AP Lang is probably one of the most beneficial classes you will ever take. Not only will you become a more effective writer, which is a great life skill, it will be invaluable when it comes time to write colleges application essays. Either way though, the schedule is good.
Do you think taking both would be too much?
You know your capabilities better than anyone here. 4 AP’s is certainly not unheard of, but the workload of any course depends in great part on the teachers. Ask some current students for feedback. If 3 AP’s is all you can realistically handle, I would not overextend.
If you’re going to be overwhelmed definitely focus on what you’re interested in. If the course load will be too much (and that’s entirely your call) drop one and focus where it matters. The benefit of APs outside your area of interest is that colleges look upon all APs favorably, and you get more gen-ed requirements filled depending on the college. I think skieurope said it best, though. Don’t overextend if you believe you won’t be able to handle it.
Thank you guys for the feedback!!! It was really helpful