Hey guys I’m heading into my junior year and my school due to lack of funding cut me from AP Psychology which would’ve been my fourth AP class after AP Lang, APUSH, and AP Euro. Now, French IV Advanced (not AP) and AP Euro are scheduled to be the same time slot for next year so I have to choose one. Past students who have had this problem have been able to independent study for AP French (because there’s no class offered again due to lack of funding), but now my school is prohibiting teachers from helping kids outside of their classes. My only idea now is to take the online course for AP French, but that wouldn’t show up on my transcript.
Would colleges have knowledge of these circumstances and overlook them if I continued to do well in all my classes? Some of my top schools are Princeton, Brown, Georgetown and Johns Hopkins. This is worrying me a bit considering that I am not in advanced science or math - but my grades in those classes are high 90s.
Talk to your guidance counselor. There should be some online courses that your school will accept credit for so they can show up on the transcript.
I don’t get the “it won’t show up on my transcript” thing.
If you take an approved online course, the grade doesn’t show up on your HS transcript. Usually the way it works is it shows as a “Pass.”
But when you apply to colleges, though, you have the online school send the grades to the schools. And on the applications (like UCs), you self report your grades (with transcripts to follow).
Colleges disassemble your transcripts and analyze the grades in their own way.
So I don’t see why you can’t take AP French online.
Okay thank you! I didn’t know that you could send in grades your grades for an online course through that provider.
Even if the class is not approved, you can still send in the transcript to colleges separate from the HS transcript. You can talk to your guidance counselor and ask that he/she note the problem in your recommendation.
In my D’s school district, there are summer and online courses that can be counted as regular curriculum and towards HS credits and GPA except for some that only has pass or fail.
AP Euro is mostly useless if you’re having trouble deciding though. You already have APUSH.
^??? Considering students need to show rigor and have 1 each of English, Math, Science, Social Science, and Foreign Language every year, AP Euro demonstrates both rigor and a social science. It’s kind of like saying “you don’t need algebra2, you already have algebra1” 
OP doesn’t have to take AP Euro, but saying it’s useless is… misguided, for lack of a better word.
Well I encountered an issue for my sophomore year when I was supposed to take AP Euro and AP World together (they’re taught by the same teacher) but again it got cut so that’s why I’m taking it junior year. I checked with my guidance counselor and he’s going to try to talk to the world language department to see if there’s any way I can self study. I just want colleges to see that I have kept a consistency in my foreign language study.