<p>I have a question about my junior and senior year schedules. This year (junior) I am taking only 1 AP and 1 honors/dual enrollment class. It was pretty much all I had to choose from regarding what I took freshman and sophomore year. Next year (senior) I will be taking 3 AP classes and 3 honors/dual enrollment classes. So really, only 1 of my classes (sociology 2, 1 semester) will not be "advanced." I know having a tough schedule (and excelling at it) is important, but I don't want to look like I "slacked" at all junior year, know what I mean? Thanks.</p>
<p>take more classes and work harder, why would a prestigious college want someone who excels at basic courses, a B in calculus 3 weigths much more than an A in precal in your senior year</p>
<p>Try to take the most difficult courseload possible that you can excel in.</p>
<p>My friend had one AP test junior year and got into Harvard, whereas I have several friends with 5+ AP’s that were rejected. It helps to be doing well in extremely difficult classes, but it’s only one component.</p>