Junior year

<p>This is what I'm planning on taking junior year:</p>

<p>Honors French
AP World History
Honors Chemistry
AP European History
AP English Lang
AP Comparative Gov't
Honors Precalc
Self-study--> AP Psychology</p>

<p>Tell me what you think in general of my prospective courseload.</p>

<p>Also, I don't know if taking 4 AP classes would be too intense. This year (sophomore year), I only took 1 AP because sophomores are only allowed to take 1 AP. However, I'm in all other honors classes and I get straight A's. I'm willing to push myself. Plus these AP classes are all in subjects I love.
Do you think it would be too big of a jump?</p>

<p>I think taking European History, and World History the same year may not be wise. Then again, that might be just me…</p>

<p>Really, why do you think so?</p>

<p>I actually found that the World History and Euro in the same year was a great help. The classes reinforce one another in many ways.</p>

<p>Just wanted to bump this up to get more feedback.</p>

It’s up to you. I just wouldnt overburden yourself because you don’t want to have straight a’s and then one c ruin your GPA. I think it is better to get straight a’s with one less class then faltering grades because you took too heavy of a load.</p>

<p>You can handle it. The only thing I’d be concerned about is that most of your AP’s are in the social sciences. If you can deal with all that memorization, then go for it.</p>

<p>Honors French
AP World History
AP European History
AP English Lang
AP Comparative Gov’t
Self-study–> AP Psychology</p>

<p>Too much memorization…</p>

<p>All good classes. Looks like a solid schedule.</p>

<p>I think if anything its weighted a bit heavily towards the AP humanities, which may be a lot of work. I think you can handle it though.</p>

<p>I think it’s a good thing that my APs are skewed toward the humanities because I like humanities the most, I plan to major in the humanities, and I want a career in the humanities. It is always better to take APs in the subjects you like the most, right? </p>

<p>Because of what wowie said though, I’m afraid of getting a C in one of the APs. I almost made a B this quarter and in general my straight A’s in all honors/1 AP weren’t really all that safe. </p>

<p>AP Psychology is supposedly a really easy class at my school though, so maybe I should take that instead of AP European History because it sounds like a really fun class and I don’t want to be overloaded/burdened. AP Euro at my school is apparently extremely hard and challenging.<br>
I mean I love learning about history, but taking EUROPEAN History isn’t really all that necessary for someone who wants to major in economics or political science and go into law, is it? Will I learn most of the stuff from European History in World History?</p>

<p>You briefly touch some of the concepts, but in Euro you really get in-depth. For most people Psych and Euro are both classes that they probably won’t take because they want to major in that area. They take it for the enjoyment of learning the subject material. Euro is more work that Psych but if you like history than go for the Euro. That’s what I would do, no matter how easy Psych is.</p>

<p>really, all honors/1 ap to mostly ap’s in one year? I would advise against taking so much. But, if you think you can handle it AND get the grades you want, then it’s your choice.</p>

<p>Also on the same note…I am currently a sophomore and I can’t decide which classes to take next year. I am currently thinking about</p>

<p>AP Biology
AP US History
AP Lang
AP Calculus AB
Spanish IV

<p>Is this a rigorous enough schedule and any suggestions…also how do you self study an ap class</p>

<p>I think it sounds fine. I did 1 AP all the rest AA in sophomore year, as that’s all I ad room for. I guess I could have taken AP Latin instead of French, but I didn’t know how awful French would be. And this year (junior) I’m taking 4 APs (calc BC, Human Geo, Art History, and English), and I found the switch very easy. I feel like I’m doing a lot less work than I was last year, but that might just be because I hated APUSH.</p>

<p>The only problem I see with your schedule is all the APs are social studies. Maybe you’re planning to take a lot of AP science and math next year, but you should really get on that. You could self study Envi Sci. That’s pretty easy.</p>

<p>Well, is it bad if all of the APs I take in high school are social studies? Should I have at least 1 from each subject or something?
I am not really interested in science and most definitely would fail an AP science course. There are soo many AP social studies classes I want to take because they are really interesting and I can’t even fit in all those, let alone any AP science class.<br>
I’ll consider self-studying for AP Environmental Science because it seems pretty easy, but there’s no way I could get myself to study for AP Chemistry or Biology or anything like that.</p>

<p>not intense at all
you can handle it</p>

<p>this year i’m taking
ap psych
ap stats
ap us
ap lang
ap physics B
hon precalc</p>

<p>none of it is too overwhelming</p>