Juniors - how far into the PreCal text are you?

<p>I was just made aware the PreCal students here are only on Chapter 3 in the text. How badly is this going to mess with the math score for those taking the December SAT?</p>

<p>There’s really no precalc on the SAT…
Only goes up to Algebra II.</p>

<p>Math II Subject Test has precal, not the SAT.</p>

<p>Ok, thanks, that’s a relief.</p>

<p>we are on chapter 6. starting conics and coordinate proofs. we are halfway done with the text (this is precalc honors)… next up is trig!!! eek!</p>

<p>We’re on chapter 12…hahaha. Sequences/Series and the like.</p>

<p>Chapters 6 and 12, huh. Sigh, and yes I was indeed referring to the honors class… shaking my head.</p>

<p>We just finished implicit differentiation and derivatives but ch 6 is broken up into 3 parts.</p>

<p>We have never even touched our textbook. My teacher even says, “you could use it as a doorstop.” So far, we are up to Polar Graphing.</p>