The (flavor of) a Meyer lemon, a fruit (native to) China, is sweeter and (less acidic than) that of a common lemon, and a Meyer lemon’s skin (is edible) No Error
How come the answer is E, but not D? shouldnt it be— is more edible?
Katarina could not be certain whether the voice she heard on the recording was her (uncle or someone else) who speaks with a heavy German accent.
D) uncle’s or that of someone else
E) uncle’s or someone else’s
The answer turned out to be D, but E compares the right way though…Someone explain this one?
Concerning the lemon, “is more edible” implies that the othe skin is somewhat edible. You would be saying that one is more edible than the other is edible. But the meaning here is that the common lemon does not have edible skin.
And for Katarina, she is questioning a thing: the voice. The voice was her uncle’s or the voice of someone else. This preserves parallel form. To skip repeating “the voice”, you would use the pronoun “that”.