Just a note on Kaplan's ACT Math and Science Prep book

I grabbed this book last week as I am really trying to improve my math and science scores for this next test. In the book, there are subjects that they have you practice before you take their practice tests. For example, they will have questions on Pre Algebra topics, Geometry topics, ect for you to try out. After taking these mini practice tests, I looked at the answers in the 1-20 format to see which ones I got wrong. So, for example I would put G down for number 6, then see that I got it wrong and it was listed as F being correct, so I would read their explanation. At the end of their explanation, they will say something like, “Therefore, G is the correct answer”. What?!

Yes, that’s right, these people are not even proofreading their answers before publication. This happened for 3 of the 24 questions I answered today, and that’s only on the pre algebra topic I did! I would advise not to get this book by Kaplan. If this post has already been made, or a similar post, I apologize. But that is ridiculous.

Welcome to the world of third party tests.

I remember a Kaplan AP Calculus BC practice exam containing multiple blatant errors.

Yep. That’s typical of these books. I have even seen grammar books with multiple grammar errors!!!

That’s pretty ridiculous. I see this all the time. Well, I suppose it’s time to write an ACT book. :slight_smile: