<p>GPA: 4.08 (took pretty much all the hardest classes)
Rank: 10.3%
SAT II Math 2 C: To be taken this month
SAT II Physics: To be taken this month
English: 28 Math: 34
Reading: 29 Science: 27
Composite Score: 30</p>
<p> Activities
· Symphony Orchestra: Cello (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th)
A Period of rehearsal every school day throughout the whole years
A free concert for the community every quarter
String Orchestra Cello Section Principal
Performed for Honors Recital (11th)
· Varsity Wrestling (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th)
· JV Soccer (9th, 10th)
· Hampton Nursing Home Volunteer
· Wiregrass Habitat For Humanity 2005 (a week)
· Tijuana Youth With a Mission 2006, 2007 (a week each)
· University of Illinois: Urbana Champaign Wrestling Camp 2006, 2007 (a week each)
· First Korean Presbyterian Church Youth Group member five years
· Church peer tutor program Organizer
· Senior Leadership Program (Leading freshmen/sophomore Physical Education Classes) (11th, 12th)</p>
<p>Essays should be decent if not outstanding.</p>
<p>Your ACT is low for NU.
Obviously it's hard to say without the SAT Subject Test scores (and I assume you have not taken the SAT I).
You say you've taken the hardest classes, which is obviously a plus. I assume that GPA is weighted. If so, what's the unweighted?
I like your ECs - the depth in music, etc.</p>
<p>my UW gpa turned out to be 3.71.
I go to Evanston Township Highschool which is
right next to NU. Would that be a plus?</p>
<p>No, that'd be a disadvantage.</p>
<p>Why would that be a disadvantage?</p>
<p>A 3.71 UW is commendable but, like your ACT score, it will not overly impress at NU.
I hope that you get knockout scores on the SAT Subject tests.</p>
<p>Because a massive portion of the applicants come from Chicagoland suburbs, particularly the North Shore. And from what I understand, you don't even have the advantage of going to one of the better public schools in the region. Also, they're guaranteed to know your school inside and out, and know exactly how hard your course load was and how you stack up.</p>
<p>well, i took all the most challenging classes. i hope that helps</p>
<p>I'm RDing. NU is def not my first pick.</p>
<p>...Okay... Well, anyhow, that makes it a reach then. Do you plan on taking the ACT again?</p>
<p>Also... If you don't really like NU that much, why are you even applying RD? Just curious.</p>
<p>well i only have six schools on my list. it indeed is on my list. it's just not my first.</p>