
<p>I have a very odd question:</p>

<p>I'm currently at the end of my Freshman year, and am thinking about possibly skipping my senior year of High School and attending college a year early. My school doesn't have APs, class rank, or GPAs, but is generally considered to be prestigious and is a private school with great placement record. Right now I am doing fairly well, (2 B's, 3 A's) and am expecting to have close to straight A's next year.</p>

<p>My shortlist for college is (while Reach-intensive): BU, Brown, Columbia, GW, NYU, Tufts, Chicago, Penn, Rochester, Vassar, WUSTL, Yale.</p>

<p>Anyway, what are my chances of doing this? Is it possible? Attainable? Will it significantly hurt my chances at the schools mentioned?</p>

<p>Anyone? Please?</p>