Just curious? Any answers?

<p>Okay, I'll try and make this short. I know exactly how important grades and test scores are-that's evident. But I was curious as to see how the admissions would react to particular things on our applications, other then grades and test scores. I only got a 22 on the ACT (taking it again during early senior year, hoping to at least get up to a 23). My GPA isn't even that good without my extra curriculars (maybe 3.1? I don't even know, kind of scared to find out!) As you can see, really not a 'amazing student' even if I really DO try hard in school. I've outlined in my essay why my grades aren't the best, which was for a personal reason, and I cross my fingers they take that into consideration. What I was REALLY curious about what all that extra stuff. I don't mind being defered at all from UCF; better then being rejeceted! But while I was doing my award section for the application, I kind of starting thinking. I have, and I really don't mean for this to come across as snobby, but I have a LOT of awards for violin. Ranking excellent and superior in competitions, which are the highest. I really don't like playing violin, but I do it anyway (long story). What would admissions think of that? Would then even like it at all? I feel like it's the only thing that stands out, other then community service (a bit over 630 hours. I didn't even realize I was doing community service until they told me!). Also put on there writing awards, and that I wrote two novels (not published. I wish!). Do you think they will even like this kind of stuff? I'm really losing hope that I won't get in, and it's my dream school-i will attend no other school. Any advice or comments (That aren't rude) would be great:)</p>

<p>I told you, everything that makes you unique is what will make you or break you. Put all the awards. It shows you’re special. And you need to calm down =)</p>

<p>It’s a lost cause telling me to calm down, lol. It’s really intense when you have that negative voice in the back of your head, especially after seeing people with such high stats. Ultimately knowing that the don’t have too much to worry about. I’m the kind of person who prefers to know what will happen, and I like to prepare myself. I’m very out of my comfort zone.</p>

<p>Are you applying as a Floridian or as an out-of-stater?</p>

<p>You sound like you have lots of strengths. You definitely want to show any school you apply to what your strengths are. Don’t worry quite so much about what they’ll think about you. Just do the best job you can representing your best self in the application.</p>

<p>I’ll try:) actually, residency is a bit confusing. I was born in sarsota Florida, and while down there, my parents got us under Florida prepaid. Then we had to move up here to Illinois, and that’s where I currently live. After contacting Florida prepaid, they said I’d be considered as in state:)</p>

<p>At what point did you leave Sarasota? I’m from there as well, in fact I’m spending my summer here! xD</p>

<p>You are so lucky! From what I remember, it was beautiful there. We left when I was about five. We moved up here, and it was a HUGE shock. There was snow on the ground, and I remember picking up a handful and shocked when it froze my fingertips. The snow is beautiful, of course, but your get tired of it when you have snow for more then half the year. Illinois is okay, but I feel like going back to Florida is the best choice, for me personally and financially.</p>


Two things that I believe may improve your chances-
Firstly, I would seek every avenue regarding your residency classification since in all honesty your stats as an out of state candidate are dismal at best and you probably wont make it as an out of state applicant. If you can wing-it and be classified as an in state candidate, then you probably have a 50 % chance of admission.
Secondly, CHILL OUT and have a positive mind set when you apply !
Good Luck !</p>

<p>There’s no problem with the whole residency situation. The program made it very clear that colleges would consider my twin brother and I as in state, thank god. Thanks for the advice. Justt have to cross my fingers and hope they understand past instances that cause my less then amazing grades.</p>