Just discovered an error on my UC app, will calling admissions to have it fixed look bad?

I have been impulsively looking over my University of California application, and noticed an error:
In the “academic honors” section, I listed AP Scholar since I’ve earned that. However, for AP Scholar, you must have a score of 3 or higher on three AP tests. I’ve done this, but I only listed two of them in the AP tests section, forgetting the third one. I’m worried the application reader will think I’ve lied or something, and I’ve been given the advice to call admissions to have it sorted out because you can’t edit the AP test section once you’ve already submitted the application.

Would this look bad if I call them to try and have it fixed? I’m unfamiliar with how admissions at colleges work and I’m not sure if I should call them or just hope they don’t notice the error