Just got Accepted for fall 2019 but I received a D in astronomy

Hey everyone, I just got conditionally accepted as a transfer student for Fall 2019 with a major in Cinema. I have a quick question, I got a D last semester in Astronomy and planned on taking it again during the spring semester, but is it worth it since I already got accepted? Will they revoke my acceptance if I have a D on my transcript? thanks.

No. Astronomy doesn’t fall under the golden 4, meaning, you can get anywhere from a D-A in any class, as long as it’s not apart of your major prerequisite.
Considering you’re in Cinema, you have nothing really to worry about, unless the D massively dropped your grade below what you stated you had on your CalApply website.

No, don’t retake it! Save yourself some time and focus on your major-related courses. I got a D in my geology course last summer and I was planning on retaking last fall, but my counselor told me not to, unless I wanted a GPA boost. A D grade in any area outside of the golden four counts as passing on the CSU-GE plan. I just got accepted as a fall 2019 transfer student too! Congrats :slight_smile: