<p>I was counting on getting rejected so I don't have to worry about making this decision.</p>
<p>My parents really want me to go to U of M, I love MSU though. I have a base of really good friends, im in the honors college, dean's list, 3.9 gpa...I don't know...</p>
<p>You are in the advantageous position of making a careful, thoughtful decision. Visit both schools, attend some classes, meet faculty and staff and TALK to students.</p>
<p>Second, look at the money factor if that is an issue of any importance. Who is offering more and why? </p>
<p>Third, which school can offer a better head start on graduate school or the job market after your BA is complete?</p>
<p>Fourth, are you attracted to one or the other because of academic reputation (Michigan?) or otherwise because of peers (Michigan State?). How do you reconcile the two of them?</p>
<p>Both are excellent schools. Some will espouse the view that Michigan is best SOLELY because it has a higher academic ranking. Remember that is only one criterion!</p>
<p>Oh wow you’ve got accepted into my top choices. If you really can’t make up your mind between the two schools, look at the following areas plus more:
Pro’s, con’s etc…</p>
<p>OP: Same boat, kinda. I’m a huge MSU fan (I didn’t apply though), and I don’t know if I can see myself wearing maize and blue. I would love to party in East Lansing all the time, but there’s a simple question you have to ask yourself: </p>
<p>If you end up going to MSU, why did you try so hard in high school?</p>
<p>Realistically, I could’ve never done my homework, got a decent GPA, took way easier classes, and not have stayed up to 2 a.m. doing those papers.</p>
<p>You’ve worked hard enough to make it to a better school, I wouldn’t settle.</p>
<p>Cause I grew up in Dubai, where there’s a huge emphasis on education. I hate studying and never studied that hard. I always cram or take the most out of classes, I never open books and read/study.</p>
<p>That’s another reason I’m worried about U of M, I’m going to be forced to study really hard. Which is something I’ve never done.</p>
<p>Woe, I am in your position right now. I’m at MSU right now and got accepted to UM College of Engineering last week. I really want to go, but at the same time, I can see myself just getting hammered with hard classes. I have a 3.8-3.9 GPA here at MSU, but still, I am a little worried about how I’ll do over there. Sometimes I just feel sick when I think about studying for some of those classes. </p>
<p>I’ve read hundreds of posts on the subject, but I figured there’s only one way to find out how I’ll really do. So I’ve decided that I’m pretty set on going there in the Fall even if I’m scared about it. I’m from a rural area and went to a high school that was not that great. So I just have to take advantage of my acceptance because it really is an honor to me.</p>