<p>This will be really quick. I just got my ACT scores, and I'm not happy.</p>
<p>Math- 27
English- 24
Reading- 21
Science- 24
<p>What does this mean? Is a "24" any good? What about for UF?</p>
<p>This will be really quick. I just got my ACT scores, and I'm not happy.</p>
<p>Math- 27
English- 24
Reading- 21
Science- 24
<p>What does this mean? Is a "24" any good? What about for UF?</p>
<p>You’re below the 25% for UF, but if your weighted GPA is 4.5 or above or you have great ECs that will make up for it. If you’re applying for something math related that will be easier since that score is higher. did you take the SAT? or SATII? AP courses?</p>
<p>chance? <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1576721-chances-updated-computer-science-will-chance-back.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1576721-chances-updated-computer-science-will-chance-back.html</a></p>
<p>Weighted 4.25
NHS, Mu Alpha Theta, Skills USA, Nat.Art.Hon.Soc.
Took SAT still waiting
Applying for Psych major
No Ap, but 10+ Honors</p>
<p>I think you have about a 40% chance–will improve if your SAT is above 1200 (CR+M)</p>
<p>Thank You so much. I estimate approx. 1400 SAT CR+M</p>
<p>If you can get close to 1400 cr+math, then just report your SAT and don’t worry about this score. But if you don’t, and you didn’t do much prep for this ACT, then I would do the
prep and try it again.</p>
<p>If you got a 24 composite on the ACT - you would have to do TONS better on the SAT to have a 1400 CR+M. 1400 would be closer to a 30 on the ACT. Try the ACT again with some prep work.</p>
<p>We’re you rushing on sections of the act? If so practice to better time yourself will raise your scores most likely. My son went up 5 points once he got the timing down.</p>