Just got back from graduation

<p>just watched son graduate from high school today with literally more than 1000 kids in his class…have to admit that I got a little misty eyed…ok…very misty eyed…but after having just returned from a truly fantastic experience with him at Bama Bound, we know with absolute, 100% certainty that he is moving on to a very special place at Bama…</p>

<p>When they called his name to come on stage to get his diploma, our family all got up and yelled “Roll Tide”…!! The crowd loved it…!</p>

<p>Roll Tide…!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>And congrats to your son!!! :)</p>

<p>(have you posted on our Roll Call thread?? If not, please do so!)</p>

<p>Hi m2ck…I was #2 on the roll call… we are from Plano Texas</p>

<p>Warmest congratulations to you! That’s awesome that your family was able to bring the UA spirit to the graduation – how fun!. </p>

<p>Question for you: we are attending the June 22/23 BB session, based on your recent experience at BB – is there any in particular we should be aware of? Or any advice?</p>

<p>I too was quite misty at my son’s recent graduation – it’s such a milestone! (Not too mention makes me feel old :-)</p>

<p>Thanks so much and congrats again!</p>

<p>Hi shrewsbury…I grew up not to far from you…if you head west on the MassPike for a few hours you run into Albany NY where I’m from ( Latham, NY) …went to Siena College there which as you know is a small school, so the Bama experience has been so much fun for me as a parent…</p>

<p>As for the Bama Bound advice… a couple of things. First, son, who is very outgoing and social was thinking maybe he would stay at the hotel and skip the dorm overnight, which kind of surprised me. It didnt take much to suggest he might have some fun so he went the dorm route. He checks into his room and his roommate for the BB session turns out to be this awesome kid from Houston and they hit it off right away and a great time…the point being, these kids can make friends in about 60 seconds if they just let it happen…son ended up going with his new bud to a couple of the fraternities that had invited each of them to visit which left me to head over to Buffalo Phils and watch the Dallas mavs beat the Heat (game 2) …talk about the friendliest people you will ever meet…it felt like I knew everyone there by the time i left…anyway…</p>

<p>The second observation is that we got something out of every session…we went to them all…it was very well organized, very Bama-ish - meaning they make everyone there feel special and part of the Bama family. I would suggest to anyone attending BB to go to everything they have on the schedule. It was worth it.</p>

<p>Have fun on your BB trip…I caution you…at the end your son/daughter will want to hit the Bama merchandise racks for all of the latest Bama wear either at the Supe store or the shops on the strip…and you will be feeling so warm and fuzzy about the bama euphoria that has taken control of you that you will succumb…cash was flying out of my pants at 4 different stores, but Chris looked good today at graduation wearing his Bama tie with the A’s on it under his cap and gown…Ha…! Cheers…!</p>

<p>Congratulations on the graduation! Welcome to Bama!</p>

<p>To all those with graduating students and newly graduated students, Congratulations and a hearty Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>Hi Searchguy - my son graduated from another N-Texas high school this weekend. A family at our school did the same thing when their kids name was called… ROLL TIDE! I wish we had thought to do that! </p>

<p>Our family is headed to bama bound on June 20-21. It will be the first time for my DH to see the campus in person and experience the UA spirit. I can’t wait to see his reaction :)</p>

<p>…and the Mavs just beat the Heat. It’s been a good day. !!</p>

<p>We did the same thing at D’s graduation! They announce the college that the honor graduates are attending, so we saw that as the perfect opportunity for a big ol’ Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>Congratulations to your son and all the other CCers!! </p>

<p>Oh, yeah, go Mavs!</p>

<p>I expected to cry at graduation – but it was actually a very joyful ceremony. We just got back from Bama Bound and it was a great experience. My daughter made one observation that I thought was funny. The kids were pretty pumped and excited in the morning – didn’t want much to do with their parents and it was great to see them connecting and excited to be meeting classmates. As the day went on, though, and the important information started piling up, a good number of them seemed to migrate back to mom and dad for some reassurance! She didn’t do the cookout – we went to dinner with her new roommate and her mom instead for some down time. But then they headed back to the dorm and were recharged enough to enjoy the pool party. Once the course registration was done everybody seemed to relax. In fact, she told me that with her new college ID and her new courseload that she was now officially an adult! We’ll have to see about that.</p>

<p>ooh S did not send down his picture for id, I hope it is not too late for BB#5</p>

<p>S graduates Thursday, you are not even supposed to clap until the end, sure- I’m sure a Roll Tide will sneak in there at some point.</p>

<p>searchguy, how did your son get fraternity invites? did he preregister for rush as an oos? I would like S to check it out if he can.</p>

Wow…do you have to “pre-send” a digital pic now? When my kids went to BB, they took their pics there.</p>

<p>M2CK - D got an email a while back asking her to send a photo a couple of weeks prior to attending BB. During day 1, she picked up her action card prior to lunch and it had money already loaded it on it for her meals.</p>

<p>ldinct: You should be okay. We sent d’s picture four days before Bama Bound and d’s ACT card was ready to go and loaded with lunch money on the first morning.</p>

<p>Searchguy – welcome from a fellow (albeit former) Northeasterner (Greater Boston area).</p>

<p>Are you perchance in the SEO biz? Your moniker would seem to indicate so. :slight_smile: I am just curious. (I’m an e-commerce copywriter for a big apparel company.)</p>

<p>As far as the ID picture goes, no worries…they will take their picture at the desk in the Ferg and then you pick up the card later that day…</p>

<p>Idinct…my son started networking the fraternity connections last fall. He knows a few current students, guys and girls, who connected him to some actives in a few fraternities. He was fairly pro-active on it…made a bunch of calls to introduce himself and did a little homework on them. He then went and spent 2 weekends over the spring at one of the fraternities that he made a connection with…he did register into the greek site to get on the radar and has been getting letters and calls off of that registration as well. All of the fraternities have recruiting events over the summer as well…river boat parties, nights at sporting events, etc…but you have get on their radar to know when and where those events are…The greek life web site lists all of the fraternities and sororities and their recruiting contacts if he wanted to make a few direct calls.</p>

<p>Hi ladyDi…I’m in the executive search biz…</p>

<p>Ah so…I forgot all about that definition of “search,” LOL. Have been in Internet Marketing waaaaaay too long. :)</p>

<p>Forgive me as this is off topic however I am unable to stop myself…</p>

<p>Dallas Mav’s beat the Miami Heat again…whoot!</p>