Just got into the UCD Facebook Network

<p>I hate free rice. Think about it, all that rice that they give away amounts to what? Few thousand dollars? Which is fine and great. Except you have multi-million dollar companies, whose combined worth would be over a billion dollars, sponsoring this campaign. You're telling me a billion dollars buys the third world a few handfuls of rice? If I made $100,000 a year I would assure you I would donate at least 10,000 of that to charity. So what freerice.com equates to is free publicity for companies who are giving away negligible amounts of money for publicity that is worth than the rice. I get the 'at least it's something' argument, but these companies are cheating people by playing on human kindness.</p>

<p>ugh, w/e end rant</p>

<p>My friend has a brother who use to go to Davis, he said I could have his sweatshirts or at least buy them for cheap lol :P</p>

<p>Arg! All this facebook talk. </p>

<p>Even though I'm not going to UCD, you should add me anyways if you know me! I'm Christopher Lauron.</p>

<p>GlueEater: Yes I will go with the "at least it's something" argument, because it really is :\ Of course I am not saying there are more efficient ways of doing so, which then I do agree with you. IMO, it's still a nice way for a large amount of people, to help donate who normally would not.</p>

<p>I use an auto clicker for Free Rice :)
So I get it right 1/4 times, and it goes on all night :D</p>

<p>Haha that's smart thinking Xeno :P How much did you get?</p>

<p>Over 500,000</p>

<p>geezus xD gj</p>

<p>Heh that's pretty clever</p>

<p>But then again, it wastes a lot of electricity...Hmmss.. :O</p>

<p>I'm sure the benefits outweigh the opportunity cost xD</p>

<p>I laugh in the face of econ. =P</p>

<p>Econ AP can die :X
JK MR. LAU</p>

<p>hahhahaa econ is a joke in our school</p>

<p>Your AP Econ teacher can't be as bad as ours :x
dyslectic, and when referring to a decrease in real interest rate says: "more minuser" <.<. Also says 1,000 billion, not trillion lol</p>

<p>funny how his pass rates are like 80%</p>

<p>My teacher isn't bad. I just suck at Econ :D
But he's harddddd.
But too cool.</p>

<p>My AP Econ teacher is cool. :] His tests are weird though. He gives us practice AP questions to review for tests he makes up. o; </p>

<p>Lol the "more minuser" thing is funny though.</p>

What a coincidence!
I'm slaving over Econ AP right now. :D</p>

<p>Hello everybody!
I just joined the UCD 2012 facebook group.
I've been hella (hella!) slacking off on my homework to read DavisWiki all day. hahaha.</p>

<p>wahhht do you have to do to stick on on that little '12 at the end of UC Davis for your network? i'm terrible with computers ):</p>

<p>Hahahahhaa Daviswiki? How do you look at random articles? I can only see the articles that are linked in the first "home page" for the daviswiki</p>

<p>@hsju Are you talking about Facebook? I think ur susposted to join the UCD '12 network, not the UCD network? I donno, I didn't send in my SIR yet. If that fails, just get a pen and write the '12 on your monitor. :P</p>