Just got my report card for 4th sem...

<p>I got 3 As, a B, and an F.....</p>

<p>This is the end of my second year of undergrad studies... I'm studying information systems and I'm doing well in my core classes... but then I fail an extra course sigh... what a GREAT summer!!!! (sarcasm)</p>

<p>I talked to my counselor about this, and I was told that if I retake the failed course over the summer, my new grade will COMPLETELY replace the F. So if I get an A or B, I'll erase that F from my report card.</p>

<p>Still... I FAILED a course... and I am at a 2.9-3.0 gpa right now because I've been doing MEH in my college requirements courses (like english, etc.).</p>

<p>Can I even enter the job market with an F? I have 2 more years to go.... and I'm feeling all depressed. Also, is it possible for me to graduate with at least a 3.5 GPA?</p>

<p>I can't believe this is happening.... I'm getting rec letters from 2 professors (both are highly qualified: one went to UPenn and has a phd from Princeton and worked for a major financial firm at the top of the hierarchy, and the other has an MBA from NYU Stern and manages some few billions in growth funds for a major company). Will this help offset the imbalance on my report card?</p>

<p>This really sucks... My birthday is in two weeks and my dad just bought me a 1500 dollar computer.... I feel like total crap right now.</p>

<p>so much for being an optimist</p>

<p>Lol, NiklasK.</p>

<p>To OP,
Yes, of course you can enter the work force with an F. You can enter the workforce with no college degree. I have a brother who dropped out of college after two years and at the age of 32, he is making over 100k/yr. Not bad, considering the average American makes less than half of his salary.</p>

<p>As you have stated, you have two more years to pick up your gpa. A 3.0 isn’t bad at all. It’s respectable, but if I were you, I would retake that class and replace that “F” with a “B” or an “A”.</p>

<p>You can replace the F… just go to summer school. And you can probably still get into grad school, you’re just going to need to excel in all other fields along with trying to get all A’s in what ever time you have till graduate school.</p>

<p>Just to clarify, the standard practice for grade forgiveness is not to erase the F from the transcript. Your new grade will get factored into your GPA, but the F remains on the transcript.</p>



<p>If all of your current grades stay on your transcript, you would need a perfect 4.0 GPA for the remaining two years to get up to a 3.5. If you can erase some of the worst grades, you are in a much better position</p>

<p>Take the summer class…offset the F and it will make things easier.</p>

<p>I personally think being able to REPLACE a grade is silly. Sometimes in life, we fail and we can’t fix it, we just have to move on. I have hired MANY MANY people in my life and I have never looked at their grades, gpa blah, blah, blah. I would rather someone tell me a great story about how this one semester they got a failing grade and had to re-evaluate and this is what they did…Just my Opinion.</p>

<p>No one wants to hire a failure though, eecardell. Sure, life happens, but if there were repeated offenses (like several Fs and several Ds), I reevaluate going to college altogether.</p>

<p>But, someone who earns a degree did not fail and it is pointless to gather their transcripts and check every grade - I have NEVER been asked how I did in college, just what degree I got. And, I guarantee everyone fails at something, sometime. It may not be a class grade or a test - but, it will be in some aspect of their life.</p>