<p>I just graduated with 3.45 with a B.S in computer science. I have a job paying me 63k and I would like to go ahead and take. However I was looking at careers as well. what are my chances for dental school or MS in Computer Engineering.</p>
<p>Given I have a solid DAT or GRE. </p>
<p>If you get into dental school you can only make serious money in orthodontics or some other specialty. Otherwise, you end up joining a large practice of insurance-aligned dentists (PPO) and the pay is not very good. </p>
<p>We just changed dentists from an awesome and expensive dentist to a PPO practice. Saves around a $1k/year for a family of four on cleanings only thanks to our insurance (which prefers PPO’s). The new dentist is not as good but for a $1k/year I’m ok with it.</p>
<p>MS CE is a different story, Will they require prerequisites? It may be worthwhile.</p>
<p>@turbo93 </p>
<p>Yea dentist do make the big bucks like you said. Though there might be a specific speciality. CE does require pre reqs however those can be attained as part of the MS program. A person with CS and CE what kind of pay scale should I look at</p>
<p>Well… think about what you’d like. Often dentistry is a tough field. Either way, why not take the CS job for now? </p>
I will be taking the job. Also do grad schools prefer applicants who are fresh off of undergrad or undergrads who have 2 years work experience. I am planning to just take the CS job and earn money and experience besides I am only 22. I do want to return for grad school in year or two. </p>
<p>It does not really matter your age / experience when applying to grad school.
Some larger companies may even offer programs to you to pay for your Master’s, check with your employer to see if they offer a benefit like that.</p>
<p>I would go a bit further to say that many Masters programs in engineering and CS like to see work experience from applicants. I have noticed that students who have come back for a graduate program after being in the workforce are very dedicated and generally excel.</p>
<p>Pay scales are sort of meaningless depending on where you’re going and what kind of work you end up doing. I will take good experience building over money any time of the day.</p>
<p>In 1985 I graduated with an MS CS like everyone else and took a job in the low 30’s in suburban Detroit of all places. My classmates all got mid-30’s in California. Now, the cost of living difference will wipe you clean but… </p>
<p>That was not the only thing. They got to do fully boring and trivial stuff. I got to work - in 1985 - on a visual compiler, on a DEC workstation, something that was literally science fiction at the time. Sun was coming out with their workstations but DEC had some too (MicroVAX sigh)… We wrote everything from scratch including a windowing system, etc. A team of 4 people wrote it in a couple years. Meanwhile I worked with some extremely intelligent people who took the time to mentor me.</p>
<p>Look for this kind of work, not necessarily big names or pay. The stuff I do right now is the natural follow-up of the graphics/HMI work we did in 1985.</p>
<p>VAX… a blast from the past
<p>Well my end career goal is to work on avionics software. For that I am willing to do anything. However I do want to make comfortable living. 150k plus is ideal. My dad works as an ERP consultant who can command upto 170k.</p>
<p>I know money isn’t the right motive. Just need any perspective of a highly niche market that needs a tenacious worker like me. I am willing to learn and set myself apart</p>
<p>“150k plus is ideal” - You mean long term. right? Very few jobs (if any) will pay that high for novices. even in high COL cities. . </p>
<p>High niche markets tend to be fairly tough to crack, by the way. You’re always competing with people that want the same job and have experience on the subject matter. </p>
<p>Willingness to learn is assumed from everyone, and setting one’s self apart can be a difficult process in huge teams. </p>
<p>well i guess my dad is one of the few… he has experience of about 15 years that can get 90$ hour jobs. He is an ERP(SAP) consultant… I chose this field thinking it would be possible to earn 150K+ with an exclusive skill set.</p>
<p>Well i have to fig it out, because i certainly dont mind shifting careers. Just have to take the DAT and kill it. I will enjoy this year and earn money… I need it
for a few new toys</p>
<p>Colleges don’t teach SAP - and to get to the point of commanding $90/hr it takes years. My wife is just starting to work on SAP (after 25 years of managing to avoid it B-) ) and the amount of expertise available offshore is mind-boggling. The money does not go to pay for SAP knowledge, but rather on how a particular business sector’s work gets done with SAP. Domain expertise is where it’s at.</p>