Just Got Scores

<p>So I was one of those unlucky people who didn't get there scores on Wednesday but I was able to get them today:</p>

<p>Composite 30
English 28
Math 29
Reading 31
Science 31</p>

<p>Now my scores aren't great but i'm a junior and I took it w/o studying.... I was also surprised in the scores because math is my best subject but I didn't get over 30 which puzzled me but anyways my question is, is this a pretty good score for a junior who took it w/o studying and what I can do to help boost my score.</p>

<p>also I am taking pre-cal this year so I hadn't learned everything that was on the act math so hopefully just by taking the course I can get my math over 30</p>

<p>any help would be greatly appreciated</p>

<p>I know this is really annoying but does anyone have any suggestions?</p>

<p>A 30 your first time is a great score. I am sure that your math score will go up once you have taken pre-calc and trig (assuming you haven’t) because that’s probably where you missed the questions anyways.</p>

<p>I got a 27 in math on my first go in June. After I was in pre-calc for a few months, I took the ACT again and got a 33 in math. Any pre-calc/trig that’s on the ACT will be introduced to you early on in the course, so you should be fine.</p>

<p>There are four trig problems on the ACT math, two of which are always right triangle trig problems.</p>

precalc is basically summed up by those 4 trig problems so don’t worry, because it’s the simplest trig questions you’ll ever do (just know sin, cos, and tan and the right triangle stuff)
on the october one, they had a trig question involving law of cosines, but it told you how to do it…gave the formula and everything =P
other than that, study some algebra and geometry because that’s the majority of the ACT math =/</p>

<p>WHAT?! there’s pre-cal in ACT?</p>

<p>thanks for all the help… will be retaking in february</p>

<p>I took the act as a junior without studying last year and got relatively similar scores and my math was 30 and i was in calculus. I retook it and got 36 on math so you should easily raise your scores</p>

<p>This is my record:</p>

<p>C31 (Junior year, no study) Math: 32
C33 (Summer between, a little study) Math: 33
C34 (Senior year, lots of study) Math: 31
C35 (Senior year, lots of study) Math: 36</p>

<p>As you can see, studying and shear repetition helps a lot. I wouldn’t worry about the low math score this time; just take it a few more times with some study.</p>

<p>for math all I rushed through and double checked the answers I put ? next to. I got a 36. My english was only 26 because I didn’t finish like the last 10-15. any suggestions? sci and reading 30</p>