just got waitlisted

just got waitlisted from virginia tech’s college of science, what are the chances that they’ll reconsider?

Idk the chances but a girl from my graduating class got in but she didn’t receive a decision until May.

In state or out? About 80% of in state students eventually gain admission. Stay strong but consider all your options.

Prior to Fall 2014, VT admitted very few from the wait-list. Fall 2014 they admitted 750 off a wait-list of 1,600. Fall of 2015, they went back to admitting very few. So, while there is always a chance, it is far from guaranteed. Here is a link to all VT’s admission stats so you can do some research. Fingers crossed for you.


Looks like I can join you in the wait, I also got waitlisted. Would it be appropriate to call the admissions office tomorrow and ask them what I can do to help my chances of getting off the waitlist?

What were your stats?

One more person joining. I got waitlisted too, from the college of engineering. I wonder if i can change the application to my second choice, which is undecided?

When looking at applications for restricted majors (like Engineering where you put a 2nd choice) they consider both choices when making the initial decision. So, unfortunately there is nothing to change on the application. In the past, VT discourages calling and writing letters regarding decision, but what do you really have to lose? I say go for it. Hang in there.

I live in NOVA,
Weighted GPA: 3.8
SAT/1600: 1160
ACT Math/English: 29/24

of AP classes: 7

freshman GPA: 3.85
Sophomore GPA: 3.1
Junior GPA: 4
Senior GPA: 4.5
With a mix of some summer classes

I applied to University Studies

@Frozenz Curious, what was your UW GPA?

Frozenz, the good news is that you were waitlisted, which confirms that you met the pre-requisites and you are competitive. I would not call on Monday because many people will call and some will be angry with Admissions. No one will be coming off the wait list next week because Admissions needs to wait for students to either accept or reject their offers. I would wait until late March/early April to call. Check with your HS Counselor and find out who the Admissions Counselor is for your HS. That person knows your school and probably is the best person to help you. While you are waiting, review your application again and look for areas where you may have had to shorten a response because of space limitations. Compare your current grades to your first semester grades and note any improvements. Look for discriminators. For example, have you received any significant awards that were not mentioned on your application? Do you hold a leadership position in a club or sports team and what have you done better than your predecessors? Prepare a written list and then prioritize the list by those items that will be of the most interest to Admissions. Be prepared to explain why it is important. For example, I was the first person in my state to be recognized for (fill in blank) or because of my strong interest and independent studies in ___________, the principal selected me to attend (name of event) and represent our high school. I would only select 3 points to make because the Admissions Counselor will have limited time. Be sure to get the name of the person and, after the phone call, follow up with a letter thanking him/her for his/her time, briefly restating the 3 points, and closing by reiterating your strong interest in attending Virginia Tech. If you have visited Virginia Tech, I would include that in the letter as well.

Before you call, practice what you want to say several times. Briefly introduce yourself (name, school, intended major). Speak clearly. Be positive. If you are calling from school, find a quiet place to make the call. You don’t want background noise or someone distracting you. Make sure you have a pen and paper to take notes and keep any emotion, particularly anger, out of your voice. Good luck.

@bboop42 , somewhere around a 3.3

@bboop42 Thanks a lot for explaining :D. I guess I will just wait for their response. Still kinda sad for being waitlisted.

Here is FAQs for Va Tech’s 2016 Wait-List in case others have not seen it. I know it can be frustrating, but everyone will find a place to call their own. Some of the best things that happen in life are ones you may not have expected.

Briefly, my DS2 was wait-listed ED and RD at VT in 2014 (the year they pulled over 750 from the wait-list). Good stats, 4th generation legacy, 7 APs including Calc and Phys, not an Engineering major (his older brother was already at VT doing that), blah, blah, blah. He was so disappointed and felt like a failure. Couldn’t understand why not him when many of his friends with lower stats were admitted, etc. Well, he accepted an offer to his 2nd choice and low and behold was admitted off the wait-list. He did not accept the VT offer but stuck with his second choice because “they always wanted me”. (Ok, not a great reason, but it was his decision to make not ours) He is so happy and can’t imagine being anywhere else. So, please believe it will all work out, no matter what, because there really is not 1 perfect school for you. Lecture over…hahaha

Best of luck…I will be watching my final son go thru this craziness next year.


NOVA, F, mixed races
took a gap year and studied in Europe as an exchange student, learned to speak a foreign language.

GPA: 3.92
SAT: 1200
ACT Math/English: 27/23
AP classes: AP World History, AP Calc AB, AP Chemistry, AP Human geo, AP Physics, AP Lit, AP Lang
Dual enrolment GIS college credit from JMU got 100% in the class
Cross country and soccer, lifeguarding as job
National Honor Society
Science National Honor Society
Future Educators of America for 3 years
VP of French club
200+ hours of community service

University Studies

A lot of people from my school got in with way lower stats and less rigorous corse load. Maybe I didn’t explain my gap year well enough?

Virginia Tech was my safety and now I don’t know what I am going to do. Can you appeal while being on the waitlist?

@sjovt18 here is the appeal process if you want to go that route. It is very specific on what they will consider and is not clear on whether it applies to wait-list decisions.

Submitting an Appeal for Freshman Admission

-The appeal will only be accepted from the student, not from a parent or guardian.

-The appeal must be submitted within 30 days of receiving the notification of the original decision.

-The appeal must contain NEW information that was not included in the initial application. Examples of new information might include updated standardized test scores or a new transcript if it is determined that a teacher submitted an inaccurate grade. Additional letters of recommendation are not considered new information. Grades or test scores earned in the February/March time frame or later will not be considered.The appeals process is not a re-review process of the existing applicant file. Appeals will not be considered for applicants who are not submitting new information.

-The appeal should include an explanation of why the new information was not submitted originally.
-The Admissions Committee will notify you of its decision in writing.

One thing to consider, Va Tech’s mid-point GPA/SAT for admitted students in the Fall of 2015 was a 3.98 and 1200. Being in this range is a tough place given you were right in the middle of all applicants. Here is a link to the FAQ regarding the wait-list.


I know you are disappointed right now, but hang in there.

@bboop42 What was your DS2 2nd choice school? Just curious. (You can message me if you’d like-thanks). I liked his thought process, knowing a school wanted you outright is a giant confidence booster. Good luck to him!

@ScreenName17 I did message you. He is doing great and is so very happy, thank you for asking.

Guys I am an international student from India and I got rejected from virginia tech’s general engineering program.
My stats:
Act math-34 and Act english-26(this equals to 1370 on SAT(critical reading and math)
12th grade avg:88%
I am so shocked that i didnt even get waitlisted.

@Srijith97 Hi. Sorry to hear this. I’m thinking maybe your grade avg of 88% is a little low, I know VT accepted students with higher avg than that, even 4.0 and above. What were your grades in the STEM courses? What was the composite ACT score? College of Engineering no matter where you go probably needs higher than the 75% scores in the typical 25/75 accepted at the school. Any extracurriculars? Where else have you applied? Accepted or denied? There is a school out there for you…Good luck to you.