Just how need-aware is "need-aware?"

<p>I'm an international student applying to U Chicago, and I am most likely going to be applying for financial aid. It worries me that the school is need-aware for internationals. How need-aware is need-aware? Experiences, comments, advice? Any internationals who got rejected and applied for FA? Sigh.</p>

<p>I don’t really have anything specific to tell you, but I will say that most American colleges are need-aware for internationals. It sucks, I know, but it’s just how it works. Just realize that if you apply for financial aid, they are going to have a harder time accepting you.</p>

<p>However, I’m just going on the very little that I know. Are there any internationals that can give better advice?</p>

<p>I have to say this - if you apply for financial aid, do not expect to be accepted. Five students applied for UChicago from my school (we’re all Canadians), four of them got rejected. I was the only one who got accepted. They all applied for FA. One got accepted by Harvard. Do not expect to be accepted if you ultimately decide to apply for FA.</p>