<p>Hi everybody,
I have a questions that I wanted to get everybody's advice on. </p>
<p>Given this situation, would you guys apply early action to the following schools or wait until RD? Notre Dame, Tulane, Georgia Tech, U of Illinois, UNC-Chapel Hill, U Michigan, and U florida.</p>
<p>SAT M770 CR750 W 710(640Writing for Illinois and Michigan cuz they dont superscore)
White male
Strong Private HS(AVG ACT is 25.5)
Fresh:3.0 GPA taking Integrated Science, English1, Latin1, Western Civ, Theology1, Alg1, and an elective</p>
<p>Soph(Got focused): 3.5UW, 3.9W taking Advanced Latin 2(Tested out of Geometry), Alg2 honor, Bio, US Govt, Theology2, English2, and an elective</p>
<p>Junior(Got really focused): 3.92UW, 4.42W taking Precalc w/trig honors, English3 Honors, Latin Literature Honors, Theology 3, US History, and Chemistry</p>
<p>After 3 years GPA is 3.79W, and idk what UW. Class ranking is 33/115. Senior year I'm taking AP Calc BC, AP Stat, AP English, AP Latin, Theology, and Physics and I should get about a 4.5W or 4.7W. I think by the end of first semester I will be up to a cumulative 3.9W GPA and hopefully top quarter for class rank.</p>
<p>ALL THIS BEING SAID, SHOULD I APPLY EA OR RD? I want to know early if I'm in at the schools, but I think I might need the first semester grades to get me in. I'm also considering ED to Cornell, but think I might need the 1st semester grades to get me in, so what do you guys think?</p>
<p>Thanks for reading all this</p>