Just out of curiosity...

<p>has USC ever had an early action/early decision plan? I know they don't now. I'm kinda glad they don't. Did they have one before? What happened to it? Why'd they change it? Do you think it's more beneficial to have all of the applicants in the same pool?</p>

<p>As far as I know, USC never had such things. The only thing remotely close to that is the two separate application deadlines (early deadline: scholarship consideration + admission, later deadline: just admission). </p>

<p>An argument for EA/ED would be that USC could attract top talent early on in the college application stage. A counter to that is most of the students who would have applied to USC through EA/ED probably would choose to go to USC even if there wasn’t EA/ED. EA/ED (IF it had been implemented in the past) might have helped out USC maybe a decade back when it was generally considered a second-tier university, but nowadays, USC is widely considered a university that has forged its way to the first-tier status and is continuing its momentum in an upward trajectory. </p>

<p>In short, the pros/cons of EA/ED would likely be the same for any university, and USC wouldn’t produce any unique advantages/disadvantages for such plans.</p>