<p>are there multiple versions of an AP exam (namely for English Lang and USH) multiple choice, like the SATs have multiple versions? I know that for the PSAT, there was one version and a lot of people got commended who didn't deserve it because they cheated off of people. I'm pretty paranoid about people copying my answers, and if there are multiple versions, I think I can take the test much more at ease and at peace. And yes, I realize I sound like an uppity, paranoid super freak child when I ask this. I know it's not "cool" to not help fellow students cheat! </p>
<p>Thanks everyone (:</p>
<p>I know that some – but not all – of the AP Exams have multiple versions of the multiple choice. Unfortunately, I can’t speak specifically to English Lang and USH.</p>
<p>US History and both calculus exams have two versions each. Every other exam has one multiple choice version. This isn’t counting make-up exams, and I’m not sure if internationals get a different multiple choice section like how they get a form B FRQ.</p>
<p>Cool thank you
Wonder why they have it for some subjects but not others?
Anyone else? bump bump bumppp!</p>
<p>My understanding is that the more popular the exam is, the more likely it is that they’ll have a second multiple choice version.</p>
<p>It’s also my understanding that the entire international version is different. If they get a Form B of the FRQ’s, they get an entirely different multiple choice as well.</p>