Just sent my Harvard app in on priority deadline! Anyone else? :]

<p>I know the priority deadline isn't really as special as it sounds, but I just sent it in anyway since Harvard's supplement was so simple and straightforward.</p>

<p>I really wish there was a special prize that came with sending it in early though. Anyone else do the same?</p>

<p>Aaaaaah you’re freakin’ me out! Deadlines! </p>

<p><em>goes back to his essays, still not satisfied</em>
I really don’t know how to finish my main CommonApp essay, so I’m just ■■■■■■■■ CC :P</p>

<p>i sent the common app, supplement, and payment in to harvard yesterday too for that priority deadline</p>

<p>Hoping to get in the supplement today; App and payment have been in for a long time.</p>

<p>yayayayay i sent my application in on October 24th!!! <333</p>

<p>who knows? maybe they’ve already decided to accept me??!!?!?!?</p>

<p>Can you pay a few days after you send the application, or do you have to pay as soon as you send it in?</p>

<p>I sent mine in about five days ago, the site won’t let me pay. <em>shrug</em></p>

<p>priority deadline !</p>

<p>I got contacted by an interviewer already, like a week after sending in my app. o.o It turns out he’s famous…</p>

<p>i sent it in yesterdeeeee
well i visted harvard a coupla weeks ago
and i talked to the admissions director, and she said that sending it in early does nothing for your chances
but i know that it does help you in getting an early interview
and also, the website said that they start looking at applicaitons NOW, sooo, if yours is on top, that looks kinda good, right?</p>

<p>You can pay a few days after you send it in.</p>

<p>Yeah my 1st semester grades are kinda being unstable, so I’m hoping having my app on the top of the pile will help my admissions a bit</p>

<p>As I said in another thread, I’m hoping sending it in early brings unstated advantages such as not as tired adcoms, your essay being read with more care, etc. I mean, they’re not gonna SAY they’re gonna do that, but reading the 34th essay vs. the 3443th essay makes SOME difference I think…</p>


<p>^ i would think so, too. the adcoms are human, after all; i can’t imagine having to read thousands of essays</p>

<p>^ ha that was my way of getting around the 10 char limit :D</p>

<p>yeah I sent mine in yesterday!!! but I’m confused, will they contact me with interview info if they have someone available??</p>

<p>they should. if you read on the site, they’ll e-mail you 1-2 weeks with the info and according to a poster here, you’ll receive a call about an interview really soon</p>

<p>The interviewer emailed me. But I’m sure some call.</p>

<p>ok i got some mixed answers the last time i asked this so did everyone submit the Common App, supplement, and payment
or do you not need to submit the supplement for the priority deadline?</p>

<p>i sent all, i believe that’s what they meant.</p>