Just smile and nod...smile and nod

<p>“What a tough year for graduates”</p>

<p>DragonMom, I am not making fun of your comment, but it is a little bit amusing to me, I have been on CC since the 2000-2001 school year and that comment or some version of it, plus numerous threads about how this is the toughest year ever have been posted every single year.</p>

<p>I think this is a tough generation for prospective college students, not just a tough year! College education is becoming a must do for so many people that even as the population shrinks & grows, the demand increases</p>

<p>I’m extremely excited to be attending George Washington University for graduate school in the fall, and upon telling people where I’m going, I’ve been met on numerous occasions with responses such as, “Wow, Georgetown is such a great school!” or “Good luck at Georgetown!”. </p>

<p>My personal favorite came from my major department’s secretary at my undergrad school–the same secretary who helped to complete my online recommendations for GWU for some technologically inept professors. The other day, while I was standing in line waiting to march in at my graduation, she asks me, “So you’re going to Georgetown?” No, I’m going to GWU, the other school beginning with “George” in Washington, D.C. I DIDN’T EVEN APPLY TO GEORGETOWN. It just upsets me because GWU is such a great school and when I tell people I’m going there, not to Georgetown, they seem to look down on my decision. Oh, well.</p>



<p>“Thank you; it’s very kind of you to say that.”</p>

<p> Good heavens, what is WITH people? I don’t think they’d even be shamed by my reply.</p>

<p>somemom, I think that “tough year” comment pertained to college grads looking for work.</p>

<p>SlitheyTove, Nope.They would not be shamed. Ignorance and self righteousness are their shields.</p>

<p>A little off-topic, but my DH works in an industry where many of the business owners never went to college. I’ve learned to ask “Where did you go to school?” instead of “Where did you go to college?” because it’s likely that multimillionaire CEO in the next seat will answer “XYZ high school”.</p>

<p>I wanted to applaud my dentist when she asked about my “future” plans instead of asking about college. Maybe she is reading CC too.</p>

<p>Oooh, mafool, I think you are right :o</p>

<p>“I wanted to applaud my dentist when she asked about my “future” plans instead of asking about college. Maybe she is reading CC too”</p>

<p>This is common sense, especially if you work with the public. Most of my clients don’t go to college other than CC. Plus, I ask “do you have any plans?” knowing that many really have no idea and are just trying to get through high school.</p>

<p>I’m an international, and most of the people here, know nothing about US colleges, much less LACs. </p>

<p>“I’ll be going to Mount Holyoke in fall”
“It’s on a mountain?”</p>



<p>I just want to put in a good word for my D’s dentist also! He asked her last week what her plans were and she told him what college she was going to. He said, “Tha’s great! I have a lot of patients who go there and they all love it!”</p>

<p>I was smiling and nodding (for real!) because I’ve spent so much time reading this thread about all the inappropriate responses. So nice to have someone share my D’s excitement.</p>

<p>Sorry for going off on a dental tangent.</p>


<p>What a nice thing to say. It’s great to hear a positive comment.</p>

<p>i put all this advice to good use yesterday at the end of year senior picnic. worked like a dream! you could see visible relief in people’s faces when asked about ‘plans’ and not ‘colleges’ thanks!</p>

<p>“Where is your daughter going?”
“Thats in Rochester, right?”
“If only”</p>

<p>i already posted on here about my frustrating experiences with talking about college but today talking to my latin teacher made me think about this thread. i am going to depauw, which is a small lac, and usually people think depaul or just dont know what it is, which is a bit of let down usually. but a couple times people know of it and are actually impressed and say what a great school it is, like my latin teacher did today. it was when he asked my classmate who is going to not a great christian lac (i dont mean to be insulting to her but she isnt very smart and her plans are basically just to marry a rich football player) but he asked her where she was going and he just said thats cool and said a vague comment about college in general. it just made me think of this thread and made feel good when i was in a bad mood cuz i was still in school.</p>



<p>So it’s really important to you that people are impressed? Isn’t that a little shallow?</p>


Maybe it’s great for her. You may think you are oh so smart, but you have a lot to learn. Unfortunately you probably won’t learn it at DeSnob U.</p>

<p>Geez sylvan8798, back off the kid. It didn’t sound to me like he was trying to impress anyone, he is proud of his new college and maybe finds it frustrating that everyone mixes it up with DePaul.</p>

<p>Cross0328 - we have two friends with kids at DePauw. They love it and have found it to be a fabulous school with a wonderful student body. Plus the merit aid was really great.</p>

<p>sylvan, that was pretty harsh. But my recollection is that harshness is out of character; maybe you’re having a tough day.</p>

<p>wow, you misread that post kinda badly. so should i not be proud of what i accomplished? its not important to me if people are impressed but to be honest it feels good. also this girl, i dont mind her but she is incredibley shallow and i am not saying it isn’t great for her, but her perfect situation is going to college, meeting a rich guy, and then marrying him and dropping out of college and not working, and she has actually said that is what she wants to do. so she is a gold digger, and i dont think that deserves much respect. also i mentioned that situation with her and my teacher as a situation where the person asking someone about their college handled well and didnt insult her college. so i was insulting her, i was just being honest about the situation</p>

<p>cross, you are on CC, where desperate posts looking for advice on getting into HYPMS alternate with stern lectures on the evils of snobbery, and the superiority of community college to any school on the top of any particular list. ;)</p>