Just smile and nod...smile and nod

<p>Skier, I feel the same way. I’m going to copy our friend’s comments to songbird almost word for word. It was just the nicest, kindest thing to say.
Btw…I pm’d you about our visit to Cornell.</p>

<p>bump! … Funny thread. :)</p>

<p>I had missed the “well, you will thrive wherever you choose to go” comment and am going to remember it. I found during all the grad parties of late I’ve taken to the “congratulations! They are very lucky to be getting you as a student, a member of the class etc” And as a question I ask them what’s the best piece of advice they’d give to a kid just starting the college application process. Not sure I’ve heard anything new, but it seems to acknowledge their hard work and overcoming the hurdles of the process.</p>

<p>Funny thing: H was in a meeting with a guy who said something like… “when I was in college…” and my H said, “Oh where did you go?” and the guy said… “A little school in the middle of VT, barely known about here.” Well, son goes to the same school!! I think my H has a new client!!!</p>

<p>I’ve gotten this response numerous times.</p>

<p>Person: Where are you going to college next year?/What are your plans for next year?/etc.
Me: Oh, I’m going to Mount Holyoke.
Person: Is that upstate?</p>

<p>Of course, any college that one does not recognize has to be located in upstate New York. At least they are close geographically, though!</p>

<p>One day I had on my recognizable-on-CC-LAC sweatshirt when I went to pick up Happykid at school, and ran into one of her teachers who is a graduate of an equivalent institution:</p>

<p>Teacher: So, is Happykid going to go to X like you did?
Me: Heck no! She’s waaay too happy for that place!</p>

<p>He was laughing so hard on the way to his car that I thought he wouldn’t be able to drive away.</p>

<p>lol, happymom! There are so many great one-liners on this thread!</p>

<p>At NYU Prelaw event:</p>

<p>Told someone I wanted to go to Penn Law. That someone (happens to be a student btw) tells me to my face Penn Law is gonna lose its ABA accreditation. I almost died laughing inside.</p>

<p>Speaking of NYU:</p>

<p>“Isn’t that a state school?” (for the last time, NYU is PRIVATE!)
“It’s cold in New York” (no ***<em>, really?)
“How could you go so far away?” (Drive to the airport. Get on a plane. Fly to SFO. Get on a bigger plane. Fly to JFK. Done.)
*Something snide about how so and so got into Berkeley/UCLA</em> (As if that’s actually going to make me jealous-I didn’t apply-and even if I got in that’s the last school I’d consider going to)</p>

<p>God, I’m SO over small town California.</p>



<p>We heard all of the above in VA,too.</p>

<p>No comments about school name, everybody is asking what major, which is completely fine. Sorry, no funny comments, except for warnings how expensive Medical School is. Why people care about our finances, I do not know and it does not really matter that much.</p>



<p>Unlike other colleges, which are all free, right? :D</p>



<p>What kind of person in their right mind thinks VA to NY is far?</p>

<p>Unless they live in a city that doesn’t have nonstop commercial flights to either Dulles or Kennedy/LGA.</p>

<p>"Unlike other colleges, which are all free, right? "</p>

<p>Well, lots of pre-meds are on hefty UG Merit scholarships. And lots of kids do not consider Grad. school at all, and yes, Med.School is more expensive than some others. But I do not care one way or another, for some reason, this is most that people say.</p>

<p>“Where is your DD going?”
-Rhodes College.
“Isn’t that in Memphis?”
“People get murdered there all the time”
-Thanks for the good wishes!</p>


The kind of person who refers to the North as “Yankeeland.” There are plenty of them.</p>



<p>NYC is 4 hours away from where we live.</p>

<p>So is VA Tech.</p>

<p>I’ve heard this so many times, it is ridiculous.</p>

<p>Person: What are you going to college for?
Me: I’m not entirely sure, but I’m thinking about Anthropology and Russian.
Person: So you want to dig up dinosaurs?</p>

<p>^^^just Russian-speaking dinosaurs that were part of human cultures…</p>

<p>^^^Oh yes, excellent topic for a thesis.</p>

<p>I just read up to page 10 so forgive me if I missed anything:</p>

<p>I’m a student, so I don’t belong here, but here’s the response I get from almost everyone (including my parents):</p>

<p>“So, where did you get accepted to?”
“Umm… Cornell”
“How are you going to pay for that? You’re such a nerd… you study too much. You need a life outside of studying, like join some clubs and stuff. Going to an expensive academic school doesn’t pay off until you learn to do stuff outside of studying.”
“Umm… yeah… but it’s a top 10 program for engineering”
“That doesn’t matter. It’s not like it’s in the top 5. What matters is that life isn’t about studying and you need to do other stuff.”</p>

<p><em>Very angry inside</em> Why doesn’t anyone know top schools aren’t only about marks anymore and you have to be very active with clubs to get in? And they have no clue how competitive it is to get in anymore.</p>

<p>And I totally agree how most people think they know a lot about colleges but they don’t.</p>

<p>This thread reminds me of the line Dave Berry wrote about his college, Haverford (Motto: “We haven’t heard of you either.”)</p>