Just Spoke with GU Admissions

<p>I just called the GU Admissions Office to ask about EA notification. The lady who answered the phone said, "The letters should be arriving by regular mail on December 15th. If a student does not have a letter on the 15th, he or she can call the office on the 16th." I then asked if they would send them any earlier at all. The simple answer was, "No."</p>

<p>this blows…</p>

<p>Yea, I also called today. The lady said that they will be mailing them so they arrive on the 15th. If they don’t arrive then we can call on the 16th. So ambiguous.</p>

<p>I’m going to china or somewhere that is like 24 hours ahead then call them. It’s the perfect plan! <em>evil laugh</em></p>

<p>Thats scary. I assumed I wouldn’t get a letter until at least the 17th. But now, Monday. Holy mackerel.</p>

<p>That’s interesting that they are trying to time them all for the 15th. I’m suer some will arrive earlier and later, too.</p>

<p>Don’t read this as, they’re trying to make sure everyone gets theirs by the 15th. That certainly was not the case last year; I didn’t get mine until Monday the 17th when the 15th was on a Saturday.</p>

<p>No one has mastered the intricacies of the U.S. Postal Service, and that certianly includes Georgetown. No one really knows when we’re going to get those blasted things! The sad thing is, if our sources around these threads are correct, they have already made the decisions, but they’re simply waiting to send them out. Nice guys, huh?</p>

<p>well that is just cruel that they’ve made the decisions and just won’t mail them…but you have to figure they will mail them on Friday so we should get them Saturday if you live close enough, if not on Monday…</p>

<p>gar. the lady i talked to, though, didnt seem to be in the loop. i think they are just told to repeat dec 15 over and over again so we dont get our hopes up</p>

<p>Soccer4921, I think we probably spoke with the same lady. She was very nice, but only seemed to know what she’d been told.</p>

<p>I live in central PA so I should get the letter pretty fast. I want to see the post mark to know when they mailed it so I can tell other people next year how it went for me.</p>

<p>It’s good to know that they’ll at least give you the results over the phone if it’s a day late.</p>

<p>I live in NJ so I’m assuming my letter will be waiting for me at home on Monday the 15th. If not, I’ll probably end up calling the next day, as soon as their Admissions Office opens, whenever that is.</p>

<p>my college counselor says that they wait and send their letters on Friday</p>

<p>its just all bureaucracy really… theres nothing at all stopping them from sending the decisions now if they’ve been made.</p>

<p>I will be camped by the mailbox on Saturday…this waiting is driving me crazy, it’s so hard to concentrate. What other schools are you guys considering?</p>