Just started reading Sir Gawain and the Green Knight [WHY!!!!]


<p>Got this book yesterday and I read alittle of it. Why am I reading this? I see no point in it. Jus tlike the casual knight story. Is there some hidden meaning in this book or does it have a strong purpose that I am missing?</p>

<p>i liked it!
it’s a classic romantic story and i found it really enjoyable
but i mean that’s just me</p>

<p>how did you study it in class</p>

<p>it’s actually a really good book and one of my favorites</p>

<p>My class read a smaller version of it; like 15ish pages.
I enjoyed reading it.
Typical romance.</p>

<p>what is its purpos i might say F it and go read another book or something. He said he wont give us a test on it…SO WHY READ IT???</p>

<p>What did you guys get from reading the book</p>

<p>Amazing book. I’ve read it three times, once in Middle English (it’s a really screwed up dialect).</p>

<p>It is pretty deep, although I don’t think was wholly intentional. Try thinking about it like you would the Quest of the Sangraal - as a journey for spiritual purity. It also makes much more sense in historical context.</p>

<p>I read it a few weeks ago… I appreciated the language and style of it more than the content, but I think that’s just because I know nothing about medieval ages/King Arthur/etc.</p>

<p>i read it in english class last year as part of our king arthur unit. it was okay, although i hate reading things i know i’m going to be tested on</p>

<p>I agree with you, sort of. </p>

<p>I absolutely HATED the book. Yes, I saw all the symbolism and the story and all that crap, but I thought the story sucked. </p>

<p>It’s just about personal likes.</p>

<p>i havent found any symbolism.</p>

<p>What did you see?</p>