<p>Spring 2007 Transfer Application has now been officially sent. Nervous/excited/relieved that all of it is behind me... at least for now.</p>
<p>Oh...quick question. If I can't work out aid and credits with my current school, does anyone know if I can defer my admission 'till Fall '07? I don't know what things are going to be like a couple months down the road, and I may have issues with transfering FAFSA stuff. </p>
<p>I didn't know they did spring transfers as well?? Guess it just shows that I haven't studied the sight too much yet. How long did it take you to do everything Fionn? </p>
<p>Isn't it harder to transfer into NYU for spring instead of fall?</p>
<p>It might be harder. I hope it's not, but I'm applying early as a precautionary thing. If I'm really, REALLY hating San Diego 2 quarters into it, and my mind is still set on NYU, then I'll transfer. If I don't get in, then I won't have the choice to make.</p>
<p>And yes, you can apply for a Spring transfer, depending on the school you want to get into. I'm applying to CAS, so they accepted an earlier application. We'll see.</p>
<p>The application really isn't too time consuming. I'm use to the tedium of UC applications, so the NYU process is always a breath of fresh air. The only difficulty for me is the teacher recommendation- at a public university, you don't tend to establish personal relationships with many of your teachers (one reason for transfering), so I don't know where I'm going to get my recommendation... and, you have to send in transcripts, and I think scores again. Though I've been accepted before, so I think they might already have my SAT and AP information on file. I need to check up on that.
Anyway, it's not that bad. Just go for it.</p>