Just Vanderbilt... for the lulz

<p>Gender: Female
School: Public, gifted school in Florida
Race: White</p>

<p>GPA: 4.0 unw; 4.7 w
SAT: 710 M, 700 CR, 770 W
ACT: 32
SAT II: 760 Chemistry, 730 US History, 690 US History</p>

<p>AP Scores:
European History (5), Chemistry (5), English Lang (5)
US History (4)
BC Calc (3), Latin: Vergil (3)</p>

<p>Senior Year Courses: AP Physics C, AP Psychology, AP Macroeconomics, AP US Government [10 altogether, I took the most APs out of anyone in my grade] + Orchestra VI + English IV Honors</p>

-Prom Committee Head Chair [10th, 11th] -
-Latin Club President [10th, 11th; member 8th-11th] -
-Certamen (Latin Academic Olympics) Captain [9th-11th] -
-Film Enthusiast [9th - 12th] - I review films (mostly independent, foreign, and documentary) with some of my reviews being published in the school newspaper
-Class Treasurer [12th] -
-Violinist [6th-12th] - I practice a few hours alone every week, in addition to 5 hours a week with my school's Chamber Orchestra (the top orchestra) since joining in 10th grade
-Media Task Committee Executive Board Member [9th - 12th] -
-National Junior Honor Society Historian [10th; member 8th-10th] -
-Society Member of Mu Alpha Theta (math honor society) [9th-12], National Honor Society [12th] and the National Latin Honor Society [8th-11th]</p>

<p>Volunteering (~140 hours):
1) I organize Bocce for spring Special Olympics tournaments by assigning teams, scheduling times and locations, and keeping score [5 hours a week during season]
2) I help my Chemistry teachers make solutions and set up labs, in addition to tutoring their students [Since this year and last year, I average about 2.5 hours a week]
3) During the last two summers, when I go to Alabama for a few weeks, I volunteer at the local hospital by answering phone calls and visiting patients [approx. 80 hours altogether]</p>

-Cashier at Albertsons [grocery store] since November of 2006 (2+ years) for 12 hours/week</p>

<p>Teacher Recommendations:
-I know my Chem Honors/Organic/Biochem teacher rec was wonderful. We're good friends, as well.
-My AP Chem teacher also wrote a wonderful one, since she loves me [and I TA for her AP Chem class]
-Counselor rec was great</p>

-My friends love it. My English teachers love it. My bias parents love it. The topic may not be that original, but it's not your average essay. It's deep and rather beautiful, if I should say so myself. It's more like something you'd read out of a literature textbook.</p>

<p>Mini Essay [favorite hobby/EC]:
-Wrote it on film: how I can't get enough of Michel Gondry, Wes Anderson, Gus Van Sant, etc. and how I volunteer at the Sarasota Film Festival (and how I saw William H. Macy there).</p>

-Gold Medal in the National Latin exam [9, 10, 11]
-Renssalaer Medal (for highest distinction in math and science) [11]
-American Legion Auxiliary Award (for leadership, service, and academic merit) [9]
-Certamen (Latin academic olympics) Champion [9, 10, 11]</p>

Went wonderfully. He loved how I am in love with film and Chemistry. He said I was funky and the most interesting candidate he's met yet. I told him I was in love with Vandy, and we talked all about the school. He was impressed with my knowledge [seeing how I was there for 6 weeks this summer]. He also wrote that I sadly couldn't apply ED because of financial reasons, but I would have applied in a heartbeat if money wasn't so big of a problem.</p>

<p>Extra Essay:
Why I wanted to attend Vanderbilt. I didn't use common reasons, but instead, the nuances, like WRVU/Sarratt/the random architecture/the beatnik suburbs around it/etc.</p>

X no sports
X good-not-great/mediocre test scores
X awards could be better
X ...probably more</p>

<p>I'm not your math/science genius. Or your newspaper editor with lots of literary awards. Or a scholar athlete. Or 1000 hour community service slave. </p>

<p>But I think I'm an eclectic mutt, probably because I love every subject. I personally would be interested in a person who is a film critic, a humble cashier, a future organic chemist, a dedicated Latin club president, class treasurer, and prom director who used Tim Burton and The Cure as inspiration (written in my big essay).</p>

<p>But I'm not sure if this appeal can compensate for my "epic fails."</p>

<p>And now I'm rambling. END.</p>

<p>you are in.
and i cannot believe you say your test scores are mediocre!
they are STELLAR.
seriously if your essays are written well enough (and I’m sure they are), you are in.</p>

<p>While you might think that those scores are mediocre, Vandy thinks that they are just in the right range, and the rest of your application looks great. Can’t guarantee that you will get in, but you sure as hell have a really good shot.</p>

<p>I’d say you have a gooood chance of getting in. The only thing that ‘might’ pull you down is your SAT 2s. But does Vanderbilt require them?</p>

<p>Good lord, I truly hope your not worried about getting in.</p>

<p>Vanderbilt should be honored to have a student of your caliber among their student body. Where else are you applying?</p>

<p>definitely in, this is exactly what theyre looking for and more.
how do you get a rennselaer medal</p>

<p>chance me back at
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/635725-chance-me-i-will-chance-back.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/635725-chance-me-i-will-chance-back.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I got it by being the student who takes the most science/math classes and gets the best grades in them. </p>

<p>(Last year alone I took BC Calc, AP Chemistry, Organic and Biochemistry and got all A’s).</p>

<p>“X good-not-great/mediocre test scores” psh theyre like 99 percentile get out of here ur in and while you’re at it take some chances at some other schools…vanderbilt isnt for everyone …u pretty much have a chance anywhere…especially if ur essay is as good as u say</p>