Just wondering...who else was denied ED?

<p>The threads show very few denials to Cornell on ED basis...</p>

<p>Am I just one of the few? Argh...</p>

<p>I think people are just generally less likely to post their decisions if they got rejected. On the other hand, acceptees are very likely to post their decisions. You’re definetely not one of the few. It was a tough ED round.</p>

<p>fellow ed reject here…/what’s ur plan b?</p>

<p>Argh…trying to formulate it. I’ve already applied to the University of Washington and USC for safety schools, and if for some reason those don’t work, Washington State University is a given.</p>

<p>Mmm…I’m looking at Georgetown, Carnegie Mellon, Northwestern, Pomona, and Johns Hopkins, very good schools which I have much better chances at. But I’m also considering applying to either Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, or UPenn to see what happens.</p>

<p>What about you?</p>

<p>rejected…, really confused, lost, and outright frustrated…</p>

<p>canadian universities i guess…, i want to know WHY the denial though! other than my own factors, i’m guessing my school forms weren’t properly done and cornell has no idea how i measure up cause no one here ever went to good schools in the states… LIFE SUCKS!!!</p>

<p>On applying to another Ivy- I know there are exceptions, but if you couldn’t get into Cornell, HYP seem very uynlikely. Sorry, that’s just how it is, for the most part. I’d recommend Penn or Columbia if you’re just doing one.
Also, what makes you think Georgetown, Carnegie Mellon, Northwestern, Pomona, and Johns Hopkins are easier? Looking at their SATs and acceptance rates, I’d say they’re all about equal or even harder, in some cases. </p>

<p>Good luck, though. Maybe you’ll be that 1/1000 who gets into HYP but rejected from Cornell.</p>

<p>Oh yeah, and steve’s comment about people being less likely to post if they get rejected is TOTALLY true. I got deferred at Dartmouth, and I didn’t post my stuff, but I would have had I gotten in. I couldn’t bear to read all the joyous posts of those more fortunate than I.
It’s easy to feel alone- actually, I have three friends who have gotten their ED results at this point- all three got in. I’m the only deferral so far, and it’s really depressing. (Then again, they did ED at easier schools, but still…)</p>

<p>@echo049 Yeah CMU (<em>chants</em>)! I got accepted there early action (did a summer program), and based on your stats I think you have a very good chance of getting in.
I am going to apply to Columbia (engineering) to see what happens, but it looks like at this point I’ll go to Univeristy of Maryland or CMU (with the economy in the crapper umd looks more likely)</p>

<p>Hey, I got rejected too. My stats are post #6 on <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/cornell-university/613836-revised-2013-ed-decisions-post-only-according-format-please.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/cornell-university/613836-revised-2013-ed-decisions-post-only-according-format-please.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I’m devastated I got rejected… I know you can’t ever expect any particular result when it comes to the Ivy League, but it was very important to me. I dunno… I’m probably going to go to OSU, but does anyone think they could take a look at my stats and suggest a few other top schools (if any) that I might still have a shot at? Thanks.</p>

<p>And remember, it’s not the end of the world, my fellow rejectees. Hopefully we can all look back on this moment 4 years from now and laugh.</p>

<p>@fireadept24 what do you want to major in?</p>

<p>Oh, sorry, I was looking into biology, and I want to go into pre-med. I know my GPA is low, so if that’ll bar me from top schools, I can deal with it. I probably should have put more effort into school. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to look at it.</p>

<p>yeesh. i haven’t applied to ivies, and am not so sure about applying RD with these brutal stats i’ve seen on these threads. echo, where in eastern washington are you from?</p>

<p>I was deferred Cornell ED, but I think that you should still have hope for other Ivies. My stats were definitely above average for Cornell, and I think it was my essay that got me deferred rather than my numbers. So keep hope for other top schools. you NEVER KNOW what they’re looking for. It just might be you!</p>

<p>@ChandlerBing They may have deferred you because state schools are low on money (because of the financial crisis) so they may be trying to get much more out of state tuition than usual this year.</p>

<p>yeah, that’s what I was thinking Ari. But it could have been a combination of many things, so I’m still optimistic.
It seems like Cornell denied a lot of kids compared to other Ivies this year ED…
ari: CMU is an amazing school, congrats!</p>

<p>Yeah, I’ve noticed that many in-state applicants were deferred/rejected from the contract schools, and it also seemed that people who were outside of top 10% were deferred/rejected as well (kind of annoys me that they would be that number-based).</p>

<p>^Well think about it-they have plenty of good applicants who not only have great SATs, ECs, recommendations, and all that, but are also in the top 5% or less in their class. They need a way to pick people to reject-think about it from their point of view-if you have plenty of people with near perfect resumes, how can you justify taking kids whose resumes are more flawed? The issue is that necessity dictates that they be very picky.They’re in a very tough position.</p>

<p>Just wondering…would an “undecided” major be the reason that kept me out of Cornell?</p>



<p>Nah, no way. There are a few people (actually many) who put down undecided and got it. For some reason though, a few applicants ended up with a major determined for them by the adcoms. Dunno how that happened. But no, it should not affect your application as long as you have an idea what you want to do in terms of your college education (addressed in your Cornell supplement).</p>



<p>Agreed, but Cornell also accepted applicants with some doofy SATs stats. It was weird. For the first few posts in the Official Cornell Early Decision blah blah thread, it seemed as if people with 2200+ SAT scores were out right rejected while those under the 2200 mark were accepted. I think the scores eventually balanced out but that kind of surprised me.</p>

<p>^That’s true. I got deferred from Dartmouth, and I saw a kid get in with a 1910! (Then again, he was a URM and recruited athlete…) If you look at their IQRs, you see that they have some very low scores at Cornell. (And some very high ones, as well.) But what about me-I have a 2200 exactly-is that a wait-list type score? (The rest of my resume is consistent with my SATs-solid, but not dazzling.)</p>