Kansas Tornado

<p>My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Greensburg, Kansas. As I understand it, the tornado that destroyed Greensburg was 1.7 MILES wide, had winds exceeding 200 MPH, and leveled the entire town in about 5 minutes. I saw video on CNN earlier today that included interviews of several Greensburg residents who, like virtually all of their neighbors, lost their homes and their possessions. Every person whom I saw interviewed made little mention of what they had lost and, instead, were grateful to be alive and more focused on others than on themselves. Like so many Midwesterners whom I've had the pleasure of meeting, these are extraordinary people and I marvel at their strength under such dire circumstances. My daughter will be attending Kansas State University as a freshman this fall. I think she'll be in very good hands.</p>

<p>I live in Dodge City, KS. I'm about an hour away from Greensburg ( I think), it's just down the highway anyway. I just drove through Greensburg the week before the tornado on my way back from Wichita.</p>

<p>I actually had an ITV class with some highschool students from Greensburg last semester. I can't believe the meteorite at the Big Well (the world's largest hand dug well is there, their only claim to fame really) got tossed 500 ft. That thing was like 1/2 ton with no broad sides like a truck. I've been told a few interesting stories already. For instance, one of my dad's employees was dating/living with a girl in Greensburg. They got into it and he stayed in Bloom for the night expecting to get his other truck and stuff the next day. Not sure if he found it yet.... Really crazy. I guess this girl he was dating was holding onto her toilet and watched her house leave while her and the toilet and her kids hung on! And her mother was blown sideways by the wind, off the ground, while hanging onto something. The lady they interviewed with the funeral home works with my mother actually. Anyway, I plan on helping to clean up within a couple of weeks. </p>

<p>I've only seen a few tornados and luckily have never had to hide in a basement.</p>

<p>And I don't think it was 1.7 miles wide, because the town isn't that wide and the edges of town are still okay for the most part.</p>

<p>I got the 1.7 mile figure from several news accounts that I read. But who knows, maybe they were wrong.</p>

<p>That's what I've seen lately so I guess...hmm...I know the town is barely over a mile wide though.</p>