Kaplan vs. Khan Academy for MCAT

Hey, Everyone! posting this again because last time I posted so early in the morning and no one saw it. I’m also not sure how to delete previous posts. So, I’ve been trying to finalize my sources to use for studying the MCAT and with all companies carrying preperation it’s quite hard to find one that is the best to prepare you. The most talked about from what I am seeing is Kaplan and Khan Academy, but I’m unsure as to which one out of the two is the best source. General question for anyone going into medicine or even those who have already gone through this, what is the best source?! I’ve also been looking on amazon for the books and noticed that kaplan has 7 books and it’s the third edition. So, does edition matter? if so which edition is best? Are there only 7 books total?

Hi OP - Kaplan seems to be the most popular in terms of their courses from what I can tell. The main complaint seems to be around their 14 hour minimum for course programs - which is pretty high and expensive compared to other MCAT prep companies. But if you are looking at just their books they are pretty much a gold standard. I would always get the most recent edition of textbook you are looking at.