Keeping up in class?

<p>Anybody have any advice on course success? It's not that I don't know what I'm doing, but there is just so much reading involved in these courses and I feel very overwhelmed. Is there even enough time in the day?</p>

<p>Expect to spend 2 hours for every credit doing reading/studying. This means using time during the day when you don’t have classes as well as evenings and some of your weekend. College is about time mangement- planning when to do the work. Say you have 15 credits, add 30 hours and that gives you a 45 hour week. School is a full time job, comparable to working 40 hours a week (your commute time is likely less than most workers, however). You need to learn to ignore others who want to socialize if you were planning on doing your reading when they stop by as well. Also figure out when assignments are due, including major papers and tests. Make a plan to finish with time for the unexpected. Make use of the campus resources available- get their input. Break up large assignments into smaller chunks- plan a chapter at a time, for example. Some people study by the clock, I always found it easier to study by getting to a stopping point.</p>