<p>What is the difference between students getting in Kelley as a direct admit and students getting into Kelley in their second year? Will the second year admitted students fall behind the direct admit students? What benefits will direct admit students get?</p>
<p>Direct admit benefits are tht u can register for biz classes over regular kids.....and the knowing the fact tht ur in the biz school already. If ur not a biz direct admit, ur gona have to take classes tht r required by kelley..like calc, comp in buisness, etc. Every1's gona have to take these classes...its jst tht for u, ur grades in ur frosh yr is gona determine whether u get into kelley or not. AND gettin into kelley isnt hard.....3.0GPA at IU, and basically if u meet tht 3.0, ur IN! hope it helps...there's rlly no big diff between direct admit and regular admit</p>