this question has been probably answered a ton of times and you might get annoyed with me and I’m sorry but I am just very nervous! I am planning on applying to Kelley as a standard admit and I went to orientation and selected the following classes:
Econ-E 201 (microeconomics)
Math-M 118 (finite math)
Hist-B 105(American History 1)
Psy-P 101 (Intro to Psychology)
CLLC-L 120 (Collins LLC Seminar)
I am not super worried about the three other Gen Eds but I have heard scary things about microeconomics and finite math. I consider myself pretty good at math, I got a B+ in AB Calculus and I am studying Micro during the summer and the content doesn’t seem too tough so that being said, did I go wrong anywhere?
Should I have taken Bus-A 201(Introduction to Financial Accounting) or M119(Brief Survey of Calculus) instead? The grade distribution for those classes seem a LOT more forgiving than Finite Math and Micro but I didn’t know if that was the only metric I should have relied on
Thanks in advance!!!
On average, students need to put in a good amount of work for M118 and E201 to earn an A. Finite starts off fairly easy but progressively gets harder because you begin to encounter questions with a lot of “moving parts” which makes it easier to make silly mistakes. As for E201, there are just a lot of concepts you’re going to have to know really well.
Here’s my advice.
- Show up to every class. You won’t believe how many people skip class, become lost, and then bomb their exams.
- Take your own notes. (Preferably writing than typing) While the professors will have their own notes you can print off, I highly recommend taking your own notes because you will retain the knowledge better.
- If you are having trouble, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Depending on what dorm you’re living at, they will have dedicated M118 tutors.
As for your other questions…
You can’t take A201 without taking A100 first.
Most students find M119 easier than M118. It also helps that you have already taken AB Calculus. If you want to hold off on taking M118 until the spring semester, I would recommend you taking M119 instead.
@LinK6317 thank you for the great response! I really appreciate it. I am prepared to do the work but will the combo of Econ and M118 be impossible? also are there any courses on khan academy that may be comparable to some of the Finite Math that would be good to know going in?
I think it’s doable, but you actually have to put time into the homework for finite if you want to do well. Did you get AP credit for AB calc? If not, I would see if you can swap M119 for M118. M119 should be very easy if you already took AB. But ignore this if you got credit for calculus from the AB exam.