Kent Architecture program and misc

My D has been accepted to Kent Architecture program for fall 2017. I have heard good things about the program, but know little about the school. It looks nice online, but looking for some personal feedback. While I realize she will be very busy with major, want to make sure social life is good. It looks typical for the most part but I worry about the “suitcase” school label. what percentage of the student leave on weekends? Is it still a good atmosphere? Are there lots of sorority/Frat activities/parties? We are from NJ (6-7hrs) and she would be pretty much living there except thanksgiving. We plan to visit, but will wait till spring for better weather. Any and all thoughts on any of these topics would be appreciated.

My daughter was also accepted to the architecture program. We live in Ohio but have yet to visit, still waiting to hear from a couple of other schools.

Hi! I don’t know anything about the Architecture program, but we have visited the campus this summer. We liked it, it was clean, facilities were nice and people were friendly. I would like to know more about the weekends and how many of the students go home, as we are 5 hours away.

@upswife, have you visited yet? if so what were your thoughts on the new arch building? We have narrowed it down to U at Buffalo, and Kent which we will flashday next friday Mar 3… We are staying the night Thursday so we can walk around downtown and get a feel for that along with dinner. She was accepted to Auburn as well, but the cost is up there. I hope she likes the facilities as much as she liked buffalo. The cost for Kent is about 1/2. I was hoping this board would liven up a bit as the spring approached.