Kent Equestrian

<p>Is there anyone here who can tell me more about Kent's Equestrian Program?</p>

<p>What specifically would you like to know about it?</p>

<p>I’m wondering what the instruction is like? What exactly are the riding facilites like - how many and how large are the outdoor rings and paddocks? How many people share the tackroom(s) and do they have individual lockers or is the room 'open’style? How often do you practice per week and how many shows do they compete in most months? How long are most practice sessions? How many lessons are given per week and are they individual or group? How many would be in a lesson group and how are they grouped off? Which circuits do you show and approx. how many are on the team? Thanks!!! I’m seriously interested and i’d like to know what the other girls are like personality wise - do they take their riding to a seriously competitive level or are they laid back? What equestrian brands tend to be popular options?</p>