Kenyon Class of 2027 Official Thread

I know people who are happy there, I know my daughter almost went there, and I liked it a lot when we toured two years ago when she was deciding. I feel like you would receive high quality instruction in small classes. They have a good alumni network for careers and internships. I have heard of the social scene that there’s enough of one to keep you busy for several years, but that as seniors there is not so much of one, that kids are not ready to broaden their horizons- that’s a good thing. They have one of the prettiest campuses I have ever seen and a lot of nice traditions. There was a good sense of community. I would weigh it against your other offers- pro con chart. Does it have more pros than the place you thought you were committing to previously?

My daughter is a junior there, loves it. Interesting classes, supportive professors, lots of on-campus activities (dance clubs, theater groups, music ensembles, a capella groups, sports clubs). Her friends are a mix of creative/dnd nerd types, but there’s a variety of people there.


I would recommend you call admissions and ask to speak with a student rep. Did you take an online tour to see campus? What school were you planning to attend? Similar to Kenyon or ? Kenyon is definitely a fit school and worth further investigating if you are open to a smaller liberal arts school with a tight student community.


I did look at an online tour and it looked really beautiful. I was very close to committing to Scripps but haven’t actually done it yet. It’s small like Kenyon but not as geared towards English with less of a strong alumni network in that area, but also does have the advantage of the consortium and the warm weather. I’ve always been on the liberal arts train and it just seems like such a brilliant school geared toward exactly what i want to do with my life. I’m planning on driving up in the next week to check it out, hopefully before the 1st so I wouldn’t have to make a deposit at Scripps and possibly lose it.

My sophomore daughter English major has been nothing but happy at Kenyon. It’s a warm community. I would describe the social scene as low key, which suits her fine. If she feels like going out/doing something, she can. But, it’s not a big party every weekend kind of place. She writes for multiple publications, has close relationships with her professors, and is spending next year abroad at Exeter with Kenyon’s program designed for English majors. I think the college’s description of Kenyon as a deliberate community – you don’t find yourself in rural Ohio by accident – is accurate. My family thinks it’s an incredibly special place, but we recognize that it’s not for everyone!

That sounds really lovely, thank you!!! I’m super interested in the Exeter exchange, it seems like a great experience

Any updates? If you chose to stay on the waitlist?

Hi!! I visited and absolutely loved it, and committed on May 1st!!! I’m so excited


Any update on waitlist decisions? Are they out?

If you read up-topic a bit, you will see that @theamw was offered a spot from the waiting list about 19 days ago. This process can continue into midsummer.

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Can u plz share your ECAs and academic performance etc. I’m still waiting for waitlist response from college

sure! I’m the youth leader for a planning board that organized a climate summit as well as being a keynote speaker there, I’m the prez of my eco club, I’m part of the school litmag and a journalist for the school newspaper, I’m student gov Vice Prez, a peer tutor, and captain of the tennis team and I also play basketball. My UW GPA is 3.9 and I’m ranked 11/89 in my class and my SAT is 1480.

I emailed them and just got a response back they said that it is unlikely they will be accepting any more students off the waitlist but if spaces become available which they believe is highly unlikely they would reach out to the waitlist again. They would confirm their waitlist is close at the end of june.